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Astral Entities

Do astral entities exist? Or is there a subcellular explanation for the various phenomenon attributed to them? Either way, is there a treatment?


  • Hello,
    What do you call astral entities exactly ?
    Have you got the subcellular psychobiology book ? It might explain what you are experiencing.
  • Yes, I've read that book, but it doesn't describe quite what I'm experiencing. What I'm experiencing is more like a minor case of what's described in "People of the Lie." In case you are not familiar, that book, by a reputable psychiatrist, describes the phenomenon of possession, and he says it tends to happen when lonely people allow a spirit or entity (he didn't know exactly what) in because it keeps them company. He says it's usually a gradual process before it reaches the level that results in dramatic exorcisms, and I suspect I might be in the early stage.

    Due to CFS, I am in bed all day with no social life, so of course, I am lonely. To pass the time, I started writing a long story, and one day, I had a "vision" or some such of one of the female characters that had a different quality than mere imagination. Also, she seemed slightly different, had a dirty energy about her that I didn't like.

    I took a break from writing and did rituals to keep her away (e.g. sprinkling salt and burning sage), but it feels like sometimes I am still susceptible to letting in what sounds much like the astral entities I've read about. It feels almost like imagination but more powerful, a being who's presence brings feelings that assuage my loneliness, but since I've read that indulging this is not healthy, I resist.

    I worry about this and would like to heal the problem, but also, I am simply curious about the Peak States and subcellular view of this phenomenon. Many people I've talked to, healers and the like, take the existence of astral entities as fact, so I was surprised that it wasn't an issue in Peak States.
  • Oh, also, I should add that in the past, unrelated to loneliness, I've had a different sort of experience that could also be classified as encounters will astral entities. It would be in dreams where a being would seem more real than usual and want something from me that lingered into waking life. I sometimes meet people in dreams who seem more real than usual, but I wouldn't think they were actually real entities. Other times, though, it would be different, but I didn't worry too much. I'd just tell them to "find a teacher," having read that this is what one should do, and either the incident would not repeat, repeat only once a long time later, etc. Another time I moved, stopped hanging out with the person who seemed to be causing the incidents, etc. 

  • Hello Kanon,

    What you described fits very well into several experiences I had myself, and other people in the Institute. Actually, this is happening often.

    From our perspective, all 'energetic' or 'spiritual' phenomenon have a biological basis. They are either pre-birth developmental events that are indirectly recalled, or biological mechanisms in the primary cell.

    Have you got the Silent Mind state ? If not, the usual suspect is the borg fungus. There are several special cases in the book describing its influence.

    These problems can also come from other sources. Anyway, I suggest you contact your practitionner to check what you can do about it.

    Of course from a totally not impartial point of view, I would advise to do the Silent Mind anyway, this is a life changer ;)
  • Hi Kanon,
    The most common cause of 'astral voices' is due to a biological problem in the primary cell we call 'ribosomal voices'. We've got a video that explains how they happen. They can be easily and quickly diagnosed, because this type of voice is located in fixed places in space, with a fixed emotional tone. The average person has between 10 and 20 of them, albeit usually only 1-3 of those cause the client difficulties. (Like a loud voice that says you must murder someone, etc etc). Here is the link:
    Each voice is easy to eliminate using the body association technique. (One of my jobs is to write the book on voices and their treatment, and for two years I haven't gotten it done yet.) Some people are so lonely they create new ribosomal voices as fast as you eliminate old ones - for them, eliminating the underlying fungal infection is necessary. 
    Re other 'healers' dealing with astral voices, again, it is a problem of people not understanding the underlying biology. The video does a good job of explaining the nature of the problem, and why people fight to hang on to the voices even if it drives them insane and destroys their lives with schizophrenia. For example, in my experience channelling is simply due to ribosomal voices, with the person becoming more identified with their ribosomal voice. Pretty creepy, especially if the voice feels positive. Fortunately, lots of people 'channel' who don't want to, and they let us verify our understanding about the mechanism. (Folks making money channeling were not willing to have them eliminated, of course.)
    Having said all this, there are other potential types of 'voices': voices the feel like telepathy (a type of bug problem); communications from dead people (requires a particular peak state); communication from live people who are not present (again, requires a peak ability); 'voices' from the triune brains (although these 'feel' and 'sound' more like kids, and again requires a peak ability); and another type of 'voice' that just 'swears' repetatively in various places inside the body (due to a bacterial parasite); and a 'watching' voice that 'narrates' activity. Fortunately, these other problems are a lot more unusual! Ribosomal voices are almost always the cause of the person's problem. 
    Hope this helps,
  • Hmm... so it sounds like my experiences can still be ribosomal voices even though I have never heard anything like a voice?
  • Well that would require a closer look with someone trained in diagnosing such things.

    Another idea that came to my mind is that you might be merged with one of your triune brain and be looking at another triune brain that can have that 'numinous' quality of some spiritual being. Triune brains can play out 'pretend identities' and seems like they have a particular personnality. An extension of this is the phenomenon of the archetypes.

    It reminded me of that "femal character" you talk about.

    It is something you could reduce by using the Courteau projection technique. Also, the Brain Light state will eliminate the negativity of brains, and make the whole experience of them much more agreeable. The Brain Light often is necessary to have the brain merge fully.
  • Thanks for the info. I hope to look into all of this someday.

    Grant, I'm still wondering what your take is on whether or not my experiences could be ribosomal voices even though I haven't actually heard anything like a voice.

    Also, what about poltergeist-like activity? Several times in my life, a house I've been staying in would make very odd noises at a frequency much greater than previously. Can this possibly be due to subcellular causes rather than actual ghosts as well?
  • Hi Kanon,

    People are lonely for ribosomal voices, and some voices don't speak; or the person either suppresses the voices, or thinks they are their own. It is easy to test, by using the body association technique.

    However, as you note, there are other possibilities. It is a zoo in the primary cell with a lot of different species of parasite organisms. The bacteria in particular can feel like 'people', but ones that don't talk; so there is the possibility that you are sensing this. Fixing your loneliness with trauma healing is a good idea! This stops the desire to have a parasitical 'friend' to keep the loneliness at bay.

    Interestingly, many people don't feel their loneliness because they have used disease organisms as people substitutes, and in fact will deny that they have any loneliness. For example, in our limited testing (N=4), a common bacterial lung infection is caused by this problem. The bacterial organisms that make them feel not lonely also make them sick, yet they cannot sense their own loneliness without help because now they have a crowd of bacterial 'people' inside their chest to keep them company! 

    Another common experience that most people have is the presence of the grandparents in space around a person's body. This is actually a bacterial disease organism that is acquired very early in development. If I remember correctly, we show this in the Subcellular book. 

    Re poltergeist, I can't really offer an opinion - no data, sorry!

    All my best,
  • Hi,

    I don't think this is the same you have described at all, but it fits under the heading "astral entities." You can visit intelligent beings when using the OBE ability,

    When travelling OBE, there appear to be layers to the universe "above" the world we live in. One is the Akashic records, one is the creator level, and one is the "void." When in the void OBE you can look back on all creation. When I did this once, the phrase "cosmic egg" occurred to me spontaneously. It is like an utterly gigantic galaxy in which the individual stars are galaxies. It was astonishing.

    As I said, there are many levels, and one is a place filled with clouds, which contain what can only be described as beings of light, which can be communicated with. On one occasion I somehow "went into" one of these beings, after having a brief conversation with it, and received a peak experience, which I was able to turn into a peak state later on.

  • Often when you are OBE you're just moving into your primary cell, and going through primary cell structures.
    So the entities you meet are often parasites.
  • Then how do you meet other people? And see things in the objective world?
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