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Heart Shutdown and Evil Choice

Here's a man talking about a Rockfel, from an outside standpoint it seems like "these people" have both a Heart Shutdown state and a choice for Evil
Is there a way for you, having so many peak states like looking into primary cell etc, to treat "them" (you know who I mean) for that?
The world would really need that...
Thank you


  • It looks like that. I think it is simply grandiosity. These are very narcissistic people he is talking about. They have also been essentially beyond the law for many generations now. Psychopaths cannot function in a group.
  • It's not ethical to heal people without their consent and knowledge.
    And in the Institute we respect that. :)
  • edited April 2020
    Julien, I understand but I direct you to this thread where Gaetan, says, (although I see he has deleted some comments)
    "As for the Regenerative state, well one gets it when you don't have parasites (don't know which ones), so that's probably NOT a state that would be available from a list. More likely, all humanity will get it all at once."

    I replied "all humanity will get it at once" I don't understand, do you mean like a 100th monkey effect? I mean you find out which parasites are blocking it, and the treatment will spread to all of humanity?"

    Then his reply was deleted but there is a wow on my part, so the answer may have been yes as gleaned from his previous comment, so it seems that the answer is not as clear cut as you say, also, heal a parasite in a distant ancestor, and you heal all the people related to that ancestor not only yourself.
    You all may have experiences how people in the same family heal when you heal your own generational trauma. In that case by healing yourself you are making the decision for all your family to heal, it is impossible to heal a generational trauma without impacting in some small or big way your living relatives (without consent or knowledge) with your healing

    Moreover I understand where you are coming from Julien, what I suggest would be a more direct way of healing someone, but if I had the power to help and save humanity (and without humanity to save the "humanity project" would be useless...) by healing at least the heart shutdown state (or some other issue, parasite or whatever) in a few selected people (if you don't wanna heal the choice for evil which is more of a "choice" I wouldn't think twice) who are destroying the world and humanity intellectual ethics would be secondary. You're not killing anyone, and you are saving lives, with power comes responsibility, if we were in Hitler's time, and you knew your techniques, could you have lived with yourself knowing you could have done something to turn him good and saved thousands or millions of lives? I couldn't have, it would have haunted me forever. Life and liberty are more important than philosophical principles in these extreme circumstances

  • I get your point and that you want to live in a better world, but I know that in the Institute people don't go healing specific people because they think they ned to do it or because they think it will be good for humanity.

    For example, if you are not feeling peaceful, calm and light in your body  when thinking about those people, then it's your traumas that are currently dictating your way of feeling and thinking.

    For the Good and Evil choice, that's an old discovery that is not so much relevant anymore.
    Healing this event don't allow you to choose Good or Evil.
    At the time we thought that was the solution to get rid of Evil in people, but it's not not.
    But this event can improve the overall state of the person healing it.

    Unfortunately, with a better understanding of the primary cell model and of developmental events, several things from the Vol 1 and 2 are osbsolete now. 

  • Hi,
    Yeah, healing all of humanity at once and healing specific people remotely are not the same thing. Very different.
    Healing someone against their consent could turn to a fateful fate, we might get things worse without realizing it, or hurt ourselve and lose a state. I see 'spiritual people' hurting themselves or others this way all the time, and they end up with long lasting severe problems.
    Yes, there are horrible things happening in the world, today. As Julien said, if you are not 100% calm, peaceful, and accepting of things, there you have a trauma. What we want is to get out of traumas, not reacting on them.

    It is a difficult concept to grasp, it took me a while, but you should accept the world as it is, without any will to change it. There is more to it that I just can't explain.
  • edited May 2020
    100% calm accepting and peaceful even in the face of deep injustice and the possible end of humanity seems absurd, we have instincts for a very good reason they are called survival instinct, not to mention a sense of good and evil and justice and  not to mention that this and "accepting things as they are" seems exactly, perfectly how you would describe like overidentification with Creator ....
    If a lion is chasing you you don't need to be calm and peaceful and accepting and let it eat you but run away as fast as possible and then if you survive let go of the trauma and return to CPL state asap. That is healthy.
    "there is more to it that I just can't explain" is this just "supposed to happen?" from a "optimal path" perspective? It's the only thing I can think of (aside from you meaning that the Earth and the Universe will take care of these monsters Herself?) and if it's so it's monstrous and gnostics were right that an abortion or some kind is running things in this universe
  • Also how is healing all humanity at once not interfering in people's consent but just on a enormously larger scale?
  • Being calm, peaceful and light (CPL) toward a topic doesn't mean you agree with it and you will do nothing to help people.
    It just mean you are not taking action or talking from a place of a trauma activated in your body.

    Imagine you are in a conference, there is two persons on the main stage that are talking about the same topic, for example: water pollution.
    - the first one is angry and is talking fast, loudly, in anger and do fast movements in the air with his arms.
    - the second one is calm, and explain to all of you the issue about water pollution, and what can be done to reduce that and gives various advices/ideas.

    Which one of them do you think people (including yourself) will listen the most and will follow his advices?

    We cannot discuss everything here about healing techniques and all the explanations about a subject like for example: being CPL, or else. 
    That's what the trauma therapy training is for :)

    Have a great day :)

  • Let me explain it with another perspective.

    If someone has the underlying attitude of being a "victim" and you "save" them... what will happen ? They will want to be even more a victim ! They will become even more passive an demanding of you to save them. And you don't satisfy that, they may turn to be agressive, or turn away and look for another savior.

    Therefore, wanting to be a savior also maintain people in their victimization, right ?

    What you can do is teach people, show them the way. Not do it for them.
  • edited May 2020
    I agree completely Julien, and I agree Gaetan, but there are two issues 1) as I said having the means like you do and not using them to save humanity is absurd in this dire situation and isn't "saving humanity" what you are doing anyway with the humanity project and all the projects at the institute? Why the double standard? 2) most people are so dumbed down by thinking that what is said on tv is "the truth" and so manipulated that we need something to kickstart the change and get them off the manipulation before teaching them 3) and more important: If no one does something there will be no one (or 500 million slaves maybe...) to teach, no one to whom you can show the way, we are not talking about a normal crisis and you both are knowledgeable enough to know that 4) Who would know that you saved them unless you shout it from all the tv channels? 5) people are already helping themselves in small ways, like talking about resistance, revolution and with global meditation. Is the fact that the people who are helping themselves are too few a good reason to not do anything when you could and doom humanity as a whole?
  • Hello Antonella,
    I understand what you say.
    Healing people one at a time is a very poor option if we want to have a global impact. So we are not counting on that for the humanity project. Now, being a therapist is nice, and throuh therapy we learn what needs to be learned for the global project but very different means with different rules will be used.

    So, yes, we intend to complete the project and then apply it, don't worry, we are working hard on that.
    And I'm not sure "teaching" will be part of the equation.

    For now, we don't know how to heal the real deep stuff that matters most. We are getting there. Let's be patient and hopeful the research team will have breakthroughs soon :)
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