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Peak abilities and additional human capacities


I suspect there are three broadly grouped human "peak abilities."

The first is the Peak Abilities you have identified.

Second, there are the same peak abilities you describe, but operating at an unusually proficient level. I have experienced this, and it is quite distinct, and potentially very important. I suspect that what happens is that the individual goes into a trance and at the same time operates a peak ability. This could also be what you describe as a "peak experience" but also an existing peak state or peak ability they have. And a trance state. I theorize that the unconscious mind is activating the peak ability, or focusing on the peak state, allowing the conscious mind to experience its effects, but without expending any attention or energy on maintaining the peak ability, or on focusing on the peak state. This gives the conscious mind the ability to use the abilities in question to an unusually proficient level- there are no assumptions, distractions, etc.

The third set of abilities are those that do not require peak abilities or peak states, that require practice and study to activate, and perhaps natural talent. There are obviously many ways of doing this. For example, the Rosicrucians suggest you look at the world around you and think of how it could be arranged differently, how things could be done differently. This eventually gives you flashes of intuition from time to time. But you have to maintain the exercise.

How to accomplish the unusually proficient level? I suspect an important element is to realize that it is possible, that while the dynamics are a mystery, to not exclude the possibility that it might work. I wonder whether working on "psychic abilities" in a general sense might help create this sense of possibilities as well. The Rosicrucians are a good starting point.


  • When a peak ability is stable, fully integrated in the whole body and traumas free it become normal to the person ; so then there is no need for efficiency. It's just totally part of you, already optimal for you and at its maximum "level".

    A peak ability functioning at a proficient level, is just a peak ability that is fully integrated in the person (in her whole body) and traumas free. No need of trance or others state for that.

    The third one you are referring too, is simply a peak experience of an ability. So it's a peak ability that is unstable and full of unhealed traumas so you can only experience it temporary and/or by doing some exercice or practice.

  • Hi !
    Peak abilities can be acquired, that is for sure, but that doesn't mean you have a particular talent using it at first. Sometimes it is puzzling to understand how to use a new state or ability. 

    Just like everyone who have 2 hands can play the piano, right ? We all have this ability but we need to practice it, and some are better at it than others. In the same way, training yourself to use an ability again and again and again makes you better at it over time. 

    And yes, in certain conditions, human beings can surpass themselves. For examples, musicians who improvise, or athletes in a competition in front of a large crowd, often get into over-efficient states !

    That's a fascinating area for sure.
  • I suspect there are elements of skill as well as the peak ability itself. The reason why I brought it up is that it might have uses in research. For example, if the Gaia communication state can be enhanced to another level, even if just briefly, it might greatly accelerate research. It is probably similar to the creative process in which you work hard on a problem, and then relax a bit, to allow the unconscious to do it for you.

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