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List of all processes/peakstates?
Is there a list of all the processes one can get?
I know of Brainlight, Inner Peace, Silent Mind, ADD process, Asperger process, Columnprocess. Seeing your life path, am I missing more processes or is it about it?
- Brain Light
- Inner Peace
- Silent Mind
- Life Path Process
Not processes but States-Related- Lost Peak State recovery
- Peak State to Peak Experience
Clinic Processes:- ADD/ADHD
- Aspergers
- Loss of Role
Some of the processes that were available in clinics but I think due to ISPS work on Psychoimmunology are currently on hold are:- TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
- Lyme
- Covid - I'm not 100% sure about this one since it's still in research category on website, propably due to issues with hypoxia not being 100% fixed yet
Hope it helpsThus, we don't hand clients a menu of processes, as if ordering ala carte in a restaurant; instead, we have a menu of some client symptoms we can treat, as shown on our therapy and clinic websites. (For example, the Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook emphasizes diagnostic symptoms and differential diagnosis.) Experience with many clients over the years has shown that using client-chosen processes is a very very bad idea. Why? Because clients are usually dissatisfied with the results after choosing a process off a menu. They did this (and paid money) hoping their painful issue(s) would be gone after using whatever process they have chosen. And generally their pain is still there afterwards. The process did do what it was designed for - but that wasn't what they needed for their particular problem.
To see this problem by analogy, imagine you are listening to very loud music, with various instruments playing at different volumes. Some instruments are too loud, some are tolerable, and some are so quiet they are lost in all the noise. So you pay the conductor to get rid of one of the performers, say you pick the flutist, but the pounding of the drum is still there and you really can't tell much if any difference. Now you are pissed at the guy you hired to get rid of the flute noise!
Another analogy is from medicine: Say you have some severe pain, so you self-diagnose it from a menu of diseases from the internet. You say "aha!", and go off and pay the pharmacist for antibiotics - but your pain doesn't go away. Finally, you go to the doctor (who is trained to recognize various diseases), tell them your symptoms, and they immediately send you to the hospital for an appendix operation (which wasn't even on your menu of diseases!).
There are also other reasons we don't work off an ala carte menu:
1) ) Many of our processes were designed for our students to make them better healers. A regular client would have no use for such a process (even though it might sound cool!).
2) Another reason involves therapist greed. In years past, some therapists started selling various processes to clients regardless of their actual symptoms. They made easy money, but the clients were very dissatisfied afterwards (for the reason I said above), and sometimes those clients had paid a lot of money. The agreed upon symptoms might have disappeared, but as far as the client was concerned, it really didn't improve their life.
Interestingly, this same issue showed up when we used to have a menu of peak states (this was a lot of years ago). The clients were generally trying to fix a problem with a new peak state, but it almost never helped their painful issues, whatever they were. Now, we make sure the client isn't wanting a state to fix some life pain. Once their issue is gone, they generally don't care about getting a state anymore. For some, we found empirically that the client actually wanted a feeling that they'd momentarily experienced some time in the past. So now we only use the peak experience to peak state process with clients. This works a lot better!
OK, now having said all this, one of the exceptions to the ala carte problem would be the Beauty Way state. That fixes so much in a person, changes them fundamentally, and gives them such great feelings! Unfortunately, at this time we don't know how to do it, darn! The other exception might be the Silent Mind Technique. It really does not give a state of consciousness, rather it gets rid of an intracellular fungal parasite that causes a bunch of problems. However, for a lot of people, getting rid of it wouldn't make much difference, as they usually have other far more painful problems - unless they are specifically battling one of its symptoms. But for high functioning people, getting rid of that fungal infection really has a big impact, as that is generally causing them problems that they really notice.
Well, this is a lot longer reply than I was planning on. I hope it was helpful.
So what about brain light state? After all, that seems like a much better solution! Sadly, it is not. To understand, let me explain the history behind it. Around 2010 or so we were working on why people had negativity at all. We were attempted to find a global fix for this problem, since we'd seen that people in the Beauty Way state basically don't have any negative emotions. So perhaps, our thinking went, we could find a fix for negativity by itself, since we didn't have a way to give people the beauty way state. It was a long slog, and we went through many process iterations that failed miserably. Finally, we came up with something that appeared to work, as the person would try to feel negative but couldn't, as if they were trying to squeeze a rock to get water out of it. Quite an interesting sensation! Sadly, that approach worked only temporarily - soon, usually within hours to days, the negativity was back.
We abandoned work on this state at this point, deciding we needed to understand the underlying biology better before we tried again. Our therapist classes still teach it, not because it is useful for clients, but because we observed that some students would get some limited personal benefit from it. But really, the process should be retired and another round of research done to see if we could do a better job on it now. Unfortunately, this is way way down on our priority list. The reason being that research of this type can be an endless time sink. Presently, all our time is spent on moving our psycho-immunology and serious illnesses work forward. (With some occasional time spent on looking at the beauty way state.) Sadly, our volunteers have just way too much to do.
All my best,
Let my try to nuance and complete Grant's explanation with my own point of view here.
When I started this work years ago, I was basically at square one. I had many traumas to heal, no peak state, and structural damages to my column of self and other issues.
Though I was generally quite functional, I could see that I could enhance my experience of life by bettering every aspects of myself that I could have an impact on !
Take the Inner Peace state for example. It does not "fix" anything, but it adds a nice layer of underlying peace to your experience of life, makes you calmer in general which leaves place for more positive emotions, and also fuse the mind brain and the heart brain (there is much less conflict between intellectual thinking and emotional thinking, actually they become integrated or harmonized sot to speak).
So your experience of life is definitely better and enhanced ! But the issues you had before are still there.
Every process has its usefulness if your goal is to become a better person and have a better experience of life.
However, their impact on you might be more or less noticeable because sometimes those 'structural damages' are low, or have a low impact on your overall personnality. Therefore, are they worth the time, energy and money ? Sometimes it is hard to tell before doing it.
To conclude, if you have the budget, moderate expectations, and a non-specific desire to improve your life, these processes might be a very good choice.
Especially as there is not much alternative out there. I am not aware of any other approach that fixes column of self issues, or improves emotional connection at the core level for Asperger's for instance.
But you really have to assess with your therapist what a change it can bring you to do these, and really think about what is it you are trying to fix in your life ?
To come back to the Brain Light state, I can personaly say that it definitely eliminated a layer of negativity that I had all my life before and that trauma healing could probably not get me rid of. So I feel much better inside! Even though I still have negativity, it is also hard to pull myself into it, as if I now have a resistance to violence that was not there before.
Of course from Grant's perspective, the current process is nowhere near as useful as he had hoped. From my perspective, it was worth it to spend the money to do it because I felt an improvement in my life that, though incomplete, brought me closer to my personal goals.
I hope that helps with your reflection.