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Regaining full usage of his legs after a stroke - Crown brain structures

I have been asked to share what happened to a client of mine yesterday.
So yesterday I guided a therapy's session with a client who suffered a stroke ten years ago, at age 32. During the first two years after the accident, he had to learn how to walk and how to talk again, but till this session he was still a bit wobbly on his legs, had a bit of legs dragging sometimes and was suffering from cold pain in his legs.
We worked on several Crown brain structures he had in place since his stroke. One was placed around his legs, as if embedding them in it (his words were that he had a metallic Fremen suit around his legs) . As soon as this specific structure was gone, he said he didn't feel his legs anymore. As you can imagine, I felt a cold tickling down my spine, so I asked what he was meaning. He wasn't feeling the pain, nor the feeling of weakness inside his legs anymore (what a relief!).
Since yesterday he can walk without dragging his legs nor with the fear of losing balance while walking in rough terrain. 
What a beautiful change to watch! 


  • Wow, well done ! Thanks for sharing, it is always inspiring to see these kinds of results.
  • Thank you, thank you for sharing! 
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