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Suspension of addiction for pregnancy
I have a question, as a therapist, that might interest everyone.
I see many women suffering of addictions having good success at suspending their addiction when they get pregnant. Usually the addiction stay "turned off" for days to months after delivery, but eventually come back.
Is there a logical explanation to this from a triune brain perspective ?
Many addictions seems driven by body brain associations or cording. What happens at pregnancy that can overcome these ?
So, if this is a body brain action, how does he do it, and why doesn't he do it outside of pregnancy ?
I have a neighbour who was considering having a session with me, in order to stop smoking. She had been smoking for more than 30 years. She had a very bad leg condition, where her arteries became blocked. So they had to do surgery to remove the artery, and create derivations for the blood. This is extremely painful.
But she was still smoking !
We didn't do any session, but I just talked to her. She stopped smoking, one day, and never thought about cigarettes again. She is now 100% nons-smoker, 7 months after.
When I asked, she told me that, among all I said, what most stroke here what "If that happens to you leg, imagine what it could do to other parts of yourbody, imagine the state your lungs are in".
That made her stop immediatly.
So, I wonder if smoking is really a body brain associations problems ? Because it rather seems that the body brain can very easily change his mind. It seems to happen when he realize the danger of smoking, in a body brain way (not in the future, but right here and now).
So can the body brain reverse it's dysfunctionnals associations when facing real danger ? Or, in the case of smoking, is it actually a problem unrelated to the body brain ?
I suppose the other brains can have a more important role here : the mind brain will maintain the habit to create a continuity of identity ("I have been smoking so long, so I must be addicted, so I continue" which is all limiting beliefs), and the heart brain ("cigarettes are a friend to me " or "smoking fills a lack in me").
Yes, what do you mean by "appreciation" ? Do you mean something like gratitude ? I'd like to know more about how you do things.
Did you see what I posted about Leonard Loskaw ?
I think you are right concerning the brains.
And, yes, I trained in ericksonnian hypnosis, so, talking is never "just" talking