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Nutritionnal support for the Brain Repair process

Hello there,

I have done some research on best nutritionnal support for the Brain Repair process, and here is a short report on complements, lifestyle, and nutritionnal advices.


This report on nutritional support for the brain repair process is designed to help get the most benefits out of the repairing process. As the process happens in real time and initiate a physical regeneration of the brain, it is going to need many nutrients in order to create new cells.

The advices below are not medical ones, and you should consult your doctor before considering taking supplements. Especially, some of them fludifies the blood and should not be taken along with anti-coagulants. This report is for information only, and the author declines all responsibility of your misuse of that information.

Also, know that following these recommendations is NOT necessary for the process to work and have beneficial effect. In fact, most people didn’t do anything more than the normal brain repair process, and were successful. This report is not part of the Institute’s treatment.

Repairing the Brain

I am soon to undergo the Brain Repair process designed by the institute to repair brains damaged by traumatic injury. The process works by healing pre-birth traumas on developmental events that influence later brain development.

As stated by Ingka Malten :
The process seems to initiate a complete rebuilding of the whole brain, that would indicate also new nerve cells and of course new/different neuronal connections.
This is something that can be experienced by some people during and shortly after the process is done. It is a one time experience as far as we know.


The Brain Repair Process also has an effect on the spinal cord, but not on the bones of the spine ; {...} only the brain matter and nerve tissue of the spine.
I didn’t suffer myself from traumatic brain injury, but asked to have my brain checked through an advanced scan. The scan revealed several small injuries and damaged areas.

My own goal with the process is to have a fully functionnal brain. After all, this organ is so important that you’d rather have it at 100% capacity, right ?

My story

I personnaly suffer from chronic fatigue, sometimes associated with brain fog, food intolerances possibly associated with slight chemical and EMF sensitivity. Also this is associated with a leaky gut / irritable bowel syndrome + candida albicans infection.
Labs tests detected a small tendency for hypothyroidism, but this is easily balanced with proper nutrition. Lastly, I am subject to hypoglycemia, and insulin imbalances. Lab tests detected no auto-immunity, as I was concerned about it.

I deal with those problems mostly with closely watched nutrition, plus a lot of nutritional supplements. Unfortunately, allopathic medecine don’t really have solutions for leaky gut or candidosis, and chronic fatigue is a complex problem on which nobody in the scientific community is in agreement.

Note that the SMT process improved my chronic fatigue by at least 20%.

Recently I have done research on brain functions and noted how important it is for my conditions. If the Pituitary-hypothalamus-adrenal glands axis, hypophyse-thyroid axis, or gut-brain axis, particularly, are disrupted or impaired, will wreck havoc in many many metabolic areas. Brain inflamation or neurotransmitters malfunctionning can be the source of many chronic and acute diseases. An english method having good results on chronic fatigue focuses on modulating the amygdala and healing traumas.

I thus had the idea that repairing the brain, even if I had only minor damages, would improve my condition a bit, and especially the very important gut-brain axis (given that my cerebellum might be the most damaged).


  • Own criterias for Brain Repair

    Here are the criterias I put together when evaluating how the brain repair process might be helpful in my case.
    • Lifelong tendency to clumsiness, not related to bad proprioception, but rather by unease to use my own’s body. Associated to difficulty in sports related to inability to do complex movements. Lack of balance. As I am used to it and compensate, the symptoms are mild, especially when I don’t do sport really.
    • Difficulty to stay focus and still, tendency to always be thinking about things. I need stimulations and have a tendency to reach for computers and phones for stimulations. Mild symptoms.
    • Impaired gut-brain axis (pre-condition to digestive issues, low motility of the intestines, leaky gut, and inflammation). Symptoms are strong.
    • Brain fog. Symptoms of this have improved a lot with diet change (removal of not-tolerated food like gluten), but seems to come back sometimes for unclear reasons.
    Maybe the brain repair could make me feel more sharp and clear minded.

    As you can notice, the symptoms are generaly mild compared to other people’s who have had the process done.

    Nutritional preparation and support for brain regeneration

    Given my background, it seems obvious to me that supporting the brain in the time of its repairing might allow the best results to come out of the process.

    I thus focused on fundamental components of brain cells in order to bring enough « good bricks », and then went on to find which supplements would be the best for support.

    Here below, I share with you my choice of nutrition support for brain regeneration.

    I am using a scale of 1 to 3 stars * to show the importance of different compounds. 3* compounds are essentials. 2* compounds will be useful if you want to well support the process. And 1* compounds are for those who wants to maximize the protocol. This scale gives you an idea of what is important, and how it will impact your budget.

  • I) Fundamental bricks

    Brain cells are made primarily from fat. Good fats will improve the functionning of the brain, while bad fats will slow down many chemical processes.

    Bad fats are : hydrogenated fat, trans fat, and many saturated fat from industrial sources. Also note than omega 6 fats are good and essential, but largely over-comsumed in the modern diet.

    1) Omega 3
    Omega 3 is the most important fat for your brain. Though the most fragile of fats, it very efficient for making flexible membranes and fast metabolic exchanges. It is largely underused in modern diets, and most people are lacking them.

    Best sources are animal sources for Epa and DHA molecules. Vegetarians can get ALA from vegetal sources, but some people do not convert ALA into DHA well. DHA is the most important for the brain.

    - Fish oil ***
    Fish oil are the most used complements, and will give you a lot of omega 3 in form of Epa and DHA. Salmon is the most common. Low quality supplements uses other fish sources or mixed sources.

    - Cod liver oil **
    Rich in omega 3, it is also the best source of vitamin A & D, a good complement to fish oils.

    - Krill oil ***
    Krill oil is made from small schrimps. It is rich in omega 3, and also phospholipids and astaxhantin. The first are best to transport O3 through the blood to the brain, and the latter is a very potent anti-oxydant particularly protective of the brain.

    I personnaly will use krill oil for its quality and fish oil for the quantity of O3, plus cod liver for its benefits. You should aim for a total of at least 10g of O3 per day.

    Beware : don’t do it if you are taking drugs for the blood (anti-coagulants).

    2) Coconut oil ***

    Coconut oil is the almost only source of short-chain saturated fats and medium-chain fats. While saturated fat are more solid and stable than O3, they are also chemicaly slower and not flexible, thus having low interest for brain function. However, short-chain saturated fat dont’ have this problem ! Thus, they have the benefits of saturated fats without the culprit.

    A very good complement to O3 for your brain. And it is easy to consume in large quantities. Coconut oil also contains MCT which rapidly and effectively fuel the brain for energy, and caprylic acid which is anti-fungus.

    3) Other oils **

    Other useful oils include the omega 6 GLA, and the saturated fat arachidonc acid. You can check if these ones are already included in your diet. If it is the case, you don’t need supplementation.

    Olive oil is also a great food source of good fats : omega 9, that are not essentials though.

    Eliminate all hydrogenated oils and heavily processed oil. They become rancid more easily and have less value. Focus on quality.

    Remember that what you eat will become your new brain !

    4) Vitamins & minerals

    Vitamins are playing a huge role in all body functions, and especially the brain of course.
    Check if the oils you are using (or the complements above mentioned) contains Vitamin E which protect good fats and is a great antioxydant.

    Vitamin C is important but most people have what they need.
    Vitamins B ** are most importants as bricks for brain cells and neuro-transmitters, thus you should look for complementation. Choose a complement from vegetal sources primarily.
    Vitamin B12 *** is possibly the most important, and you should take it as sublingual methylcobalamin (the best source).
    Vitamin K2 is also important but you shouldn’t need specific supplementation if you have good food source for it.
    Magnesium, zinc, selenium and manganese ** are the most useful minerals for the brain, and most people are defficient. You can try to find a global mineral supplements for convenience.

    If you are pernickety, the best form of magnesium for the brain is L-Threonate.

    Trace elements are smaller minerals elements normally present in our food, but there is a tendency of lacking some of them. They are used in the body in several ways. You can buy a Trace mineral concentrate* for a moderate price on amazon, which will last 2 or 3 months. You can also use himalyan salt or celtic salt that contains trace elements.

  • II) Oxygenation and delivery

    Several compounds improve brain oxygenation and the delivery of nutrients to the brain.

    1) Gingko Biloba **

    Gingko Biloba is a well-known brain supplements, found in the form of teas or pills. It is very good for improving oxygenation and blood flow in the brain.

    2) Vinpocetine *

    Vinpocetine is another oxygen-delivery-enhancer that increases blood flow, blood viscosity, and has an antioxydant effect on neurons. Studies have shown its use after a head injury increases blood flow to the site of the injury, to speed and enhance repair. It also supports good levels of nitric oxyde.

    It also enhance acetylcholine (see below) so have a positive effect on memory and learning.
    Vinpocetine and Gingko have a nice synergetic effect. Other compounds can be used this way too (see Sources below).

    III) Essential brain support

    The brain feeds up from all the food we consume, but several amino-acid can optimize its functionning.

    1) L-Glutamine **

    Glutamine is an amino-acid used in several ways by the body to repair itself. It is one of the most necessary nutrients for repairing the gut, but also all other cells after trauma or injury.

    The brain can aslo feed from glutamine for energy, or for creating glutamic acid and GABA. It is often recommended for people who crave brain stimulants (sugar, alcohol). It also seems to be efficient at removing toxins from the brain.
    Usual dose is 5g a day, but you can go up to 10g during the brain repairing.

    2) L-Arginine / L-Citrulline *

    Arginine is another amino-acid that the brain use for several processes. Notably, arginine is a great transporter of nitric oxyde in various parts of the brain, including the pituitary gland.

    It has neuroprotective abilities.

    Best taken in the form of L-Citrulline, if you want to seek complementation.

    3) phosphatidylserine or phosphatidylcholine *

    Those two fat-based compounds are components of neurons and have a very strong neuroprotective effect, especially in case of stress (too much cortisol and norepinephrine) and in case of defficiencies.
    Taking them protects brain tissues and can improve memory.

    You can get them through eating eggs (keeping the yellow part liquid) or soy lecithin, or organ meats. So you don’t need supplementation if you eat those foods.

  • IV) Other general brain support

    4) Curcuma (turmeric) ***

    Curcuma, beyond being a super-food and one of the best natural anti-cancer, has a number of very positive effects to the brain. It has anti-depressants properties equal or better to some antidepressants drugs, while it does’nt disturb a naturaly well balanced brain.

    Studies have found curcuma to contribute to regeneration of damaged, and also to be protective against some toxins like fluoride.

    Morover, curcuma is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxydant, and inhibit some destructive gene expression. It stimulates positive gene expression such as the detoxification pathways (glutathione).

    5) CoEnzymeQ10 (ubiquinol) **

    Commonly defficient in today’s diet (except if taking organ meat like heart), CoQ10 is an essential nutrient for mitochondrias. It is also used in many different ways in the body, especially by the heart and the brain (hence the name ubiquinol meaning « all-mighty »)

    As your will grow new brain cells, you want their mitochondria to be properly fed and built. Mitochondria are the energy factory of cells, and coQ10 has shown neuroprotective effect because of enhancing mitochondrial function.

    6) Acid alpha-lipoic **

    Alpha-lipoic acid is another compound used in hundreds of way by the body. It supports good use and renewal of vitamins, glutathione, coQ10, and neurotransmitters like dopamine.

    It is particularly necessary for proper mitochondrial function, is anti-oxydant, slightly anti-inflamatory, and neuroprotective. It also regulates glucose levels and insulin levels.

    V) Nootropics

    Nootropics are compounds that have the ability to modify and enhance the funcitonning of the brain, generally used for cognitive sharpness, memory imporvement, stamina, and feeling joyful/euphoric.

    Most nootropics act as precursors or enhancers for neurotransmitters.

    The main neuro-transmitters in the brain are : GABA (relaxing), dopamine (feeling good), serotonin (stimulating) and acetylcholine (memory). These neuro-transmitters are supposed to work well, and they, unless specific mental or brain problems such as : depression, anxiety, cognitive impairement, brain fog, etc...

    Trying to have an action on neuro-transmitters is dangerous because there is a tolerance effect in the brain. Thus, boosting the level of, say, serotonin, will create a reverse effect of intolerance and the brain will stop reacting to serotonin. That means too much of serotonin and not enough serotonin have similar effects on the mood (depression).

    The only neurotransmitters on which it is safer to try things is acetylcholine, as there is no tolerance treshold. Thus, too much of it will have no negative effect.

    Compounds that can enchance acetylcholine are : Huperzine A, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, choline and other choline precusors or associated compounds.

    Generally, I recommend that you don’t try to use nootropics because of their agressive effects on the brain. You’d rather use the other nutrients mentionned above. The brain knows how to use them well.

  • VI) Other complements

    Beside the above mentioned products, I recommend for general use different complements.

    1) Adaptogens

    Adaptogens have a non-specific global positive effect on health, supports the adrenal glands, and lower the impact of stress a great deal. They give energy when you need it, and relaxe you when you need it too. Thus it is far better than stimulants.

    The main ones are : panax ginseng, rhodiola rosea, tulsi (holy basil), ashwaghanda, eleuthero. They work great in synergy.

    There are other different types of adaptogens or tonic herbs, mushrooms, etc... that have great effects. I refer you to ayurveda and chinese medicine for this.

    2) Creatine

    Creatine is a molecule that quickly transform into Atp, the basic energy molecule of energy. Mainly used in sports, it also have neuroprotective qualities and is safe to use. Useful if you have fatigue problems or mitochondria problems.

    3) Amino acid

    Other amino acids have a positive effect on many metabolic pathways. Complementation might be necessary if you really want to optimize your brain function (see the books reference below).

    They are : Taurine, Acetyl-L-carnitine, L-Carnosine, L-Carnitine, Acetyl-L-Cystéine.

    Other amino acids exists ; some are neuro-transmitter precursors (Tryptophan, Tyrosine, D,L-phenylalanine, etc...).

    4) Sulfur and methyl donors

    Sulfur and methyl are used in hundreds of metabolic functions. Supplementing rarely is necessary, unless specific diseases or lack of enzymatic pathways. Many donors exists, such as methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) or methylcobalamin.

    You can make sure to consume food rich in those compounds, like garlic, onions, shallot, and such. Then you will probably have good enough levels for your brain repair.


    Nutrition plays the central role in bringing proper nutrients to your brain and your whole body, thus it is important to have the best nutrition possible in this time of brain repairing.

    In addition to the complements stated above, food can deliver many nutrients that have a fundamental place in human metabolism. A lot of research is validating the properties of so-called “super food” which can also be considered normal food to eat everyday or so !

    A specific diet ?

    The nutrition plan described below is merely a suggestion of what you can incorporate in your own normal regimen. It is NOT a diet of any kind.

    I am myself following mostly a primal/paleo diet with insights from vegan fooding, hence the mention of food that are not common. This is due to my food intolerances and chronic fatigue problem. You can easily adapt the meals by adding cereals, or replacing meat with protein-rich plants.

    Food to incorporate
    The food to incorporate is :
    • Green tea *** : preferably japanese blend, long infused. Rich in antioxydant, l-theanine, and mitochondra boosting compounds
    • Turmeric (curcuma) *** : See the complements section
    • Blueberries *** and other berries (raspberries, mulberries, acai, strawberries, etc…) : rich in anti-oxydants, anthocyanin, pterostilbene, and other compounds, very neuroprotective. Support dopamine levels and mitochondria function.
    • Brocoli, calliflower, bruxel’s sprout, and other cabbages *** : food for your brain ! They contain many nutrients that have specific brain-enhancing effects (sulforaphane, …)
    • Fat fish and seafood such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout, but also shrimps and other seafood, for their omega 3 and iodine.
    • Walnuts and brazil nuts *** and other nuts ** : another “brain food” rich in omega 3, selenium, phytosterols, and other compounds
    • Coconut products : coconut oil is one of the best food for your brain, not only for fueling it, but also for building it.
    Meal ideas

    I) Breakfast

    1) Coconut milk, coconut oil, grounded flaxseeds, hempseeds, brazilian nuts, blueberries
    2) Coconut oil for cooking organic eggs (keep the yellow yolk liquid), avocado with olive oil, pomelo
    3) Banana, lemon, flaxseed oil, another fruit of your choice, grounded mix of nuts and seeds (squash seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, nuts, …)

    II) Lunch

    1) Thai curry with coconut milk, chicken or shrimp, turmeric and spices, and a lot of vegetables and coriander (lookup on the internet for recipes)   
    2) Lamb or beef with onions, with chopped spinach, yam with olive oil and seeds
    3) Fresh salad with lots of seeds, olive oil, sardins, peppers, shallot

    Why not, if you like it, organ meat like cattle’s brain or heart ? Full of coQ10 and O3.

    III) Snacks :
    Macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, walnuts and other nuts, blueberries or other fruits, green tea, or even olives. Or green smoothie with apple, carrot, cucumber, ginger, turmeric, parsley, fenel and other greens !
    Coconut bowl with warm coconut milk, coconut chips and grounded flaxseeds.

    IV) Dinner
    1) Salmon with ginger and lemon, émincé of carrots, zucchini and calliflowers, tapenade of olives
    2) Smocked cod liver,

    Well, do you have more ideas ? :)


    I) Brain stimulation or rest ?

    The brain is like a muscle : the more you use it, the more it develops. Stop using it, and it shrinks. Thus, you should use your brain and challenge it in all kinds of ways ! And don’t worry if you haven’t been doing any math for the last 20 years. Neuroplasticity means your brain can always come back to growing new neural networks.

    That being said, when you are undergoing the Brain Repair process, you DON’T need to stimulate your brain. What you have to do is REST in order for your organism to completely focus on its main task.

    Remember : the Brain Repair process is NOT like normal neurogenesis, but is a much more radical and fast re-growing of the brain.

    II) Exercise

    Exercise have been shown (in addition to its numerous benefits) to stimulate the brain and to activate neurogenesis and neuroprotection.

    And it doesn’t have to be very long : 20 minutes per day is enough to get a lot of health benefits fro physical activities.

    Endurance training is when you exercise moderately until you breath heavily and sweat (70% of your maximum energy). Resistance training is when you exercise intensely until you are out of breath or out of strength (95% of maximum energy).

    Resistance training seems to have the most benefits as it particularly stimulate growth hormones. So be sure to go to your maximum strenght. Also, make sure to stimulate your whole body.

    Lookout for something that you enjoy, most of all.

    Running, swimming, cycling, are good choices. Martial arts and dancing, if done at a high enough intensity, are great. If you don’t have time, 12-exercices HIIT fitness routines are great, just treat yourself gently at the beginning.
    Dancing in particular, is great for the brain, as it stimulates many different functions, like coordination, memory,  etc…

    When doing tht Brain Repair process, it is good to exercise is you feel like like. But if you feel tired, just rest.

    III) Breathing

    Good breathing is an essential part of this plan, as it allows energy to flow properly through the body, and of course, oxygen to be abundant.

    The best breathing technique I recommend to do along with the brain repair process is the classic pranayama : nadi sodhan. In this technique you breathe out deeply through one nostril, then breathe in deeply through the same nostril, and then you alternate nostrils.

    Doing it for 5 to 10 minutes will leave you energized and calm at the same time, clear-minded, and positive. It improves circulation, relieve from stress, and synchronize the brain hemispheres.

    Do it 3 times a day whhen doing the Brain Repair. Of course, you can do it everyday.

    I recorded a video to teach you the technique :

    You can go further by going to a yoga center and taking a pranayama class, if you want to explore the impact of breath on health and mental clarity.

  • IV) Meditation

    Meditation has a long track record of brain enhancing effects, and is one of the most studied topic in mind-body science. It is very effective on beating depression, anxiety, cognitive decline, and lower the impact of stress.

    Interestingly, meditation improves the connection and integration of the differents areas of the brain : pre-frontal cortex, limbic system, reptilian brain, and all in between. This seems to lower the dominance of the reptilian brain in case of stress (fight-flight-freeze) and enhance the function of the cortex in decision-making under stress.

    Thought paralleling our own triune brain fusion processes, the effect are NOT the same.

    I refer you to the colossal amount of information available on the internet.

    Different types of meditation exists (hundreds of styles and variantes). Mostly they can be put in 3 categories :

    1) Focused attention
    These kinds of meditation will need you to focus your attention totally for a prolonged periiod of time. Typical objects of concentration are : a flame, a mantra, a mandala, a word, breathing etc…

    2) Objectless meditation
    In this, you will need to bring your attention on… nothing. Just being present, observing thoughts and feelings as neutral phenomenon, and detaching yourself from everything. You actually become more aware of all that is, and non-reactive.

    3) Loving-kindness meditation
    In this form of meditation, you generate a feeling of love, or kindness, or other similar feeling, and direct it to all that is (the world, human beings, the universe, yourself, etc..).
    A great variant is to use the feeling of gratitude, as it seems the brain is particularly efficient at strenghtening the neural networks associated to it. But you can also use love, acceptance, etc…

    What meditation to choose ?

    I’d recommend you try for yourself which meditation you are able do. That means : not the easiest one, nor the most difficult. Something that you can do for 20 minutes.

    Good teaching are available everywhere. You might prefer a style over another one. The more practiced meditations styles are : Zen, Vipassana, Transcendental, Mindfulness, Raja Yoga, etc, etc…

    Do 20 minutes a day, and you can go to much more (vipassana trainings are doing 10 hour a day).

    What about prayer ?

    Prayer might be considered very close to meditation, and if you practice it, I’d recommend you go full on. Also, a lot of scientific research is now showing the benefits of it.

    However, you might want to try objectless meditation, which is a very different experience and exercise.


    Wow ! I wrote a lot more than I expected. Actually there is so much to say about supporting your brain that it was hard to synthesize the topic. Many good books exists, not to mention internet.

    See the sources below for more information.

    Please, let’s discuss your complimentary knowledge and tips, and share your results with using this process !
  • How did you get on with the brain repair process? Any improvments in the symptoms you listed?
  • Hi,
    Sorry I only see your question now !

    Globally, I would say the process had only small effects on me. That was expected, since I didn't suffer from consussion. The difficulty to staying focus and still is gone from what I can measure today, but I can't be sure that's not from other trauma healings I've done.

    I've had no impact on the gut.
    The clumsiness is gone, however. But again, it can be due to other trauma healing I've done (that was a year ago).

    The brain fog is mostly gone. I guess it is from the process since I haven't done anything else to tackle this issue. The chronic fatigue remains, though.

    So globally, with inacuracy, I would say using this process for the kind of problems I had is not effective, and can only bring minor changes. The process IS super efficient to do what it is supposed to do though : repairing brain after concussion (traumatic brain injury). I know, kind of obvious, eh !
    But I'm not disappointed personnaly because I didn't hope this process would heal my problem.
  • Does/ Would the TBI repair process repair strokes, glands in the brain (pituitary, pineal, etc.), damage from fungal infections when an infant, etc.? 
  • Hi Gaetan,
    Thanks, Gret work and excellent details.
  • I'm assuming this doesn't work for oxygen deprivation (such as during a massive seizure when a baby), but just want to be sure as someone just asked--any new developments on this, or testing subjects needed? 
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