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Gary Palmer


Gary Palmer
Last Active
Member, Student
Invited by
Grant McFetridge


  • From my experience, I don't think humans are capable of safely removing bugs. It can be very dangerous to deal with them, and they can travel over the energetic connection you have with your client. You can ask the realm awarenesses (Void, Gaia, Creator) for assistance in removing bugs and their precursors. I have had…
  • David, There has been a lot written about successfully managing a disruptive technology, and going direct to the mainstream is often cited as certain failure. The mainstream is risk-averse, and wants to see a proven track record before signing on to a product or service. The recommended approach is to target a specific…
  • I'm working with a student now who is using the realms (Gaia, Creator, Void, Humanity) to find traumas and to heal. Humanity seems more like all species vs just humanity. The realms seem more like gods, than places, and they communicate with each other and team up in various combinations for healing. They seem to be able…