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Grant McFetridge


Grant McFetridge
Last Active


  • Hi Reda, Sorry, but our new process testing is only for certified therapists. I should note that this is safety testing, not just seeing if the process works or not. Because it is a completely new technology and works by targeting and eliminating specific pathogens, we are taking a very cautious approach to testing. This…
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is actually a collection of problems from different causes all thrown together. 'Shattered crystals' (as described in page 210 of Subcellular Psychobiology) is just one of those potential causes. For example, one teenage client had ADD from tribal block which was triggered abruptly a number…
  • Hi Troels, If you have this problem, you really notice it - but not because you feel it in yourself. The presenting symptom is that someone else gives off an evil feeling. Even if one has this problem, most people can just ignore the person and move on - unless of course the other person who feels evil is a family member…
  • I have to smile, because you are describing exactly the ala carte problem I was mentioning we found when we first developed these tools. The negativity and aggression you mention should be dealt with the standard trauma tools. Diagnosis usually flushes up stuff like a simple trauma, a copy, or what have you - and you check…
  • Hi Krystian, To be clear, at this time we don't have any approach that works to get rid of all of a trauma type (eg generational, biographical, body associations). However, we believe this is possible to do - we just don't know how yet. It would be darn useful for so many reasons! Let's take a look at the three approaches…
  • What clients need is to be diagnosed correctly (so the right thing is fixed). Thinking that your pain will go away by choosing a process from a menu is the wrong approach. Thus, we don't hand clients a menu of processes, as if ordering ala carte in a restaurant; instead, we have a menu of some client symptoms we can treat,…
  • Different bug species all look different. But all species look bug-like. Their outer exoskeletons are made of metal of different sorts (on a species basis); the metal usually has a coating, similar to enamel. Back a decade ago, we thought we'd compile a list of bug species, but there were so many we abandoned that and just…
  • Hi David. You can read about the pathogen problem in our Subcellular Psychobiology. Briefly, there are many types of human pathogens (viral, bacterial, fungal, prion, ameba, tapeworms, etc). Some infect us during our lives, like Lyme or tetanus. Other pathogens infect us before we are born, like cytomegalovirus (CMV),…
  • We haven't yet solved the hypoxia problem. Thank goodness there are now vaccines available! 
  • Hi David, I'll just jump in a bit about Asperger's and the 'glass wall' marker for it. Because people who have this problem have it from birth, it is 'normal' for them. To ask them if they have a glass wall surrounding them won't work, because what do they have to compare it to? It has always been there and is normal to…
  • I got an email notification of your post, hurrah!
  • Can we increase the edit time limit? 
  • Hi, we'll be talking about the area of viral psycho-immunology at the upcoming (free) Institute symposium April 4-6, 2020. See our website for details, schedule of talks, and Zoom connection information: https://www.peakstates.com/conference.html. If you would like to be a presenter, contact Grant (at) peakstates dot com…
  • Hi, CuriousGeorge, your question is at the heart of our research. What is the basic map that covers all these phenomena? And why are there all these techniques (assuming they actually do something for at least some people)? If you look at the techniques we teach, they start with trauma techniques and move on to what we…
  • Hi Antonella, Speaking just for myself, I don't know any psycho-biology treatments for gallstones. However, there is a very effective physical method that gets rid of them quite easily. This is in contrast to the normal medical treatment that removes the gall bladder with surgery. The technique involves drinking a lot of…
  • A new study from the US National Institute of Health (Dec 2018) also finds delayed cord clamping is beneficial. A summary article entitled "Science Update: Delayed cord clamping may benefit infant brain development, NIH-funded study finds". The full article is in the Journal of Pediatrics entitled "Effects of delayed cord…
  • I can't say if your 'social phobia' is a disease process or not, but what you describe is often how generational traumas are experienced by people. That there is something intrinsically wrong with them, and these issues feel very 'personal'. I would suggest seeing if healing them fixes your problem first, as the technique…
  • The reply was moved to the private therapist section at the request of Ula due to the possibility of risks.
  • Hi mimi and Gilli, Mimi, thanks for sharing about the 'being overfed' and your change. We recently discontinued our 'hole process' for smoking. We found that eventually (usually after many months) the person would start smoking again - even though they no longer had any painful symptoms to self medicate with smoking…
  • Hi David, The answer to the domino question is 'sometimes'. It depends on the particular traumas you are working on. For example, eliminating one generational trauma generally does not effect another generational trauma. However, there is an exception. Remember, generational traumas ('epigenetic damage') causes structural…
  • Great question! And my answer to the question 'using only current medical technology, would it be possible to find a cure to...?' is 'yes' in some cases, 'maybe' in some, and 'no' in others. On the 'yes' side, conventional medicine could cure some diseases if they just knew what they needed to cure. By contrast, our work…
  • Hi, Just a slight clarification that might helpful for some readers. Our (and in fact anyone's) trauma therapy techniques do in fact directly interact with and change the client's present day subcellular biology. When the client comes in with a psychological symptom, the therapist can usually simply focus on the symptom…
  • Hi Gilli, We recently discovered that every hole has suffocation associated with it. Thus, we don't get the result we were expecting if this is not addressed. Testing on another client who also had poor results caused their smoking issue to go away once these suffocation issues were fully eliminated. I hope that helps.…
  • Hi David and Gaetan, Re symptoms when getting a new peak state, this sometimes happens because of a body association(s) to the feeling of the state. The treatment is simple - just do the Body Association Technique on the feeling of the peak state. Continue until you don't have any more associations. This can be a problem…