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Julien Roux


Julien Roux
Last Active
Member, Certified


  • It can be several things, what comes up to my mind, are simple traumas or a column of self void. You can contact me or any other certified therapist here, and we should be able to help you with this issue.
  • Yes, I have tried it several times, but never committed to it long enough to notice any IQ improvements. This technique can also be very useful for people to improve their inner vision, their 5-6th senses :)
  • The issue you are experiencing is unfortunately something common, but the good news is that this issue can be healed. If you don't already have it, the "Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook" written by Dr. Grant McFetridge will answer a lot of your questions and maybe to some extent, help you diagnose yourself. "Is…
  • "If the CoS is weak/ leaning instead of standing straight, would that influence decision-making? " No, it should not.
  • Hi, yes the Repair of the Column of Self process is also listed as being about a process to heal the Loss of Role/ Identity. But the process address much more issues in people than that alone. To be more precise on the impact of a damaged Column of Self (CoS) on making decisions, let's look at its biology: - Bubbles:…
  • Everything is possible if we really want it and have the ability, you are correct. I was simply not thinking that most people would go this extent and attack someone peak state/ability. Following your comment, then an anonymous testimonial that is edited a bit will make the task harder, near impossible.
  • If there is no way to identify the person sharing her experiences, yes I would say it's safe to share peak states testimonials (anonymous).
  • Good evening Troels, what you describe seems to be an s-hole issue. This type of issue create this needs for external validation, to be the center of attention, and to an extend the favorite of someone. You can read more about it in the Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook. Of course it could be other things, such…
  • I recommend Image Streaming that can improves your IQ: https://web.archive.org/web/20230613195604/http://www.winwenger.com/imstream.htm And here a list of things to improve your IQ: https://web.archive.org/web/20210921142310/http://winwenger.com/Stream/07-11.htm#feature
  • When you are in Beauty Way or any other peak states, you often have other peak states mixed in with. So it can be difficult to determine which peak states you have. That's also the reason why we have a list of peak states with descriptions on how people experience them. To help people determine which peak states they have.…
  • Do the DPR technique on this man and emotion you feel coming from him, even if you have done SMT. Do you feel the presence of this man near you/in the room?
  • All of them helped, but for me the most positively impactful from those 3 was from the healing of S-holes :)
    in S-holes Comment by Julien Roux May 2023
  • I wished that everyone had the Silent Mind process and Inner Peace done, because it increase your overall quality of life. It's a good healing start when you are entering the self-development field. But it's also important to address first what's the main issue in your life, or the current most important one to heal. I…
    in S-holes Comment by Julien Roux May 2023
  • Generally trauma therapy healing is done with a certified trauma therapist who will guides the client through the uses of some trauma healing techniques to help the client heal the issue he is currently facing. You don't need to heal every S-holes you have but especially the ones that are active and at the source of your…
    in S-holes Comment by Julien Roux May 2023
  • Sorry if my answer wasn't very clear. The whole S-hole issue is due to a pathogen (my colleague Jola did a presentation on S-holes at last year Symposium), so in the future we hope to have a process to make people immune against it and making them S-holes free. We can heal individual S-hole one by one with a trauma healing…
    in S-holes Comment by Julien Roux May 2023
  • Anytime that you are not feeling calm or peaceful it's because a trauma is triggered in yourself. Most traumas doesn't mean PTSD kind of trauma. But those "regular" traumas still affect our life, the way we perceive the world and others, the way we react and the way we feel. So anytime that you don't feel calm, peaceful…
  • We don't have yet a released process to get immunes against the s-hole issue. S-holes can be addressed in trauma therapy, we will choose with you a trigger moment in your life and diagnose from there which symptoms are present. S-holes will probably be presents in our diagnosis. So they can be addressed as part of the…
  • I was told that the state is not really useful, because the changes we can get from it are not permanent/stable. For example using the Void state to heal something, will be temporary. I had the direct experience myself with a colleague of those non-permanent results.
  • @Apranihita What you are talking about, is the Optimal Decision Making technique, that is taught in our full trauma therapist training or used byt therapists with a client in a session. But you only use it for some decisions there and there. If you have an issue with making simple decisions, or almost any decisions in your…
  • I will let my other colleagues answer your other questions. But this article explain various things about our discoveries on CFS: https://www.peakstatestherapy.com/forum.php#/discussion/400/chronic-fatigue-syndrome
  • I can understand your experience. I had this issue. When I had s-holes triggered I was going into victim mode, not taking responsability for my healing and wanting people to support me and help me. So i was complaining, and not trying very hard to heal myself. I was always findind some excuses on why the healing/techniques…
  • "Could repeatedly trying to access the moment cause the flattened emotions problem?" Hi, yes. That's why you want to have a bit of time between each one of your travel back and forth. So for example you go back in a past moment, come back to the present and wait a few minutes and then you can redo-it, etc.
  • David, did you try to contact a clinic staff that can do the Asperger process? especially if you think that's an issue in your life.
  • When a peak ability is stable, fully integrated in the whole body and traumas free it become normal to the person ; so then there is no need for efficiency. It's just totally part of you, already optimal for you and at its maximum "level". A peak ability functioning at a proficient level, is just a peak ability that is…
  • Follow jour joy and/or euphoria That's how you know it's optimal for you. If you are not calm, peaceful and light when thinking about something then it can be difficult to know what's best for you. So doing trauma healing on this would be a good idea :)
  • Yes, but the only people in the Institute trained to use the PC state safely to diagnose people or other things are the advanced therapists that are also almost all researchers. And yes the PC is zoomable, you can learn a bit more about the PC state in the "Peak States of Consciousness Vol. 2" by Grant McFetridge. But…