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  • Would it still work if I pressed the gamut point instead of tap? I get tired tapping, but I can press for longer periods.
  • Thanks for the info. I hope to look into all of this someday. Grant, I'm still wondering what your take is on whether or not my experiences could be ribosomal voices even though I haven't actually heard anything like a voice. Also, what about poltergeist-like activity? Several times in my life, a house I've been staying in…
  • Hmm... so it sounds like my experiences can still be ribosomal voices even though I have never heard anything like a voice?
  • I will try it. Thanks! 
  • Oh, also, I should add that in the past, unrelated to loneliness, I've had a different sort of experience that could also be classified as encounters will astral entities. It would be in dreams where a being would seem more real than usual and want something from me that lingered into waking life. I sometimes meet people…
  • Yes, I've read that book, but it doesn't describe quite what I'm experiencing. What I'm experiencing is more like a minor case of what's described in "People of the Lie." In case you are not familiar, that book, by a reputable psychiatrist, describes the phenomenon of possession, and he says it tends to happen when lonely…
  • I have CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and heard one person got rid of their CFS using the IPP. Thus, sometimes I do the IPP, but I get more tired doing the whole EFT sequence and have to stop. I could go longer if I only tapped the gamut point. Would that work?
  • Let me know how it goes! I used to have pet mice (and one time I caught a poisoned mouse), and it would seem that they could be suffering greatly but still be sweet, curious creatures. Perhaps being simpler they tend to have Underlying Happiness? On the other hand, maybe simpler species might be incapable of higher peak…