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Krystian Wyszomirski


Krystian Wyszomirski
Last Active


  • Peak States Processes to do with Certified Therapists:* Brain Light * Inner Peace * Silent Mind * Life Path Process Not processes but States-Related * Lost Peak State recovery * Peak State to Peak Experience Clinic Processes: * ADD/ADHD * Aspergers * Loss of Role * DID/MPD Some of the processes that were available in…
  • If you're thinking about doing Peak State Processes I'd say start with asking yourself question - what's not working for me, and then decide with which to start. Speaking from my own experience, before doing the training I thought "Oh! I'll do a Silent Mind or Inner Peace, and my issues will be gone!" - which happened -…
  • I haven't gone through the process, but in Volume 2 by @"Grant McFetridge" it's mentioned some soft crystalline-like material is being formed. There's a strong warning that touching that point can lead to what you called a sci-fi stuff. So with remote healing in my understanding, part of your consciousness is anyway…
  • David, dr Grant gave an amazing talk about human prions during Symposium, here's a link for you https://www.facebook.com/peakstatestherapy/videos/387211159652689 There are a lot of great insights on bugs/prions. Hope that helps! 
  • Hey Apranihita! The Life Path Peak State Process is a great way to start with your optimal Life Path. With the "requires a lot of work part" - it's all about making sure you heal the trauma. When you get the ability, it becomes much easier. On the other hand with the decision making - do you feel like you don't know what…