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  • Thanks Gaetan, the forum software has been upgraded to the latest version so everything should be working properly. If any forum members would like some information about the available features of the forum have a look at the youtube videos by the forum creator, Vanilla Forums. This series is called User On-Boarding, the…
    in Test Post Comment by franush June 2021
  • Hi AntonellaShe is interesting. After a bit of searching I found these two pages that help to understand her techniques and where she is coming from:"Digital Pride – Guided Meditation and Instant Trauma Release - Divine Empowerment"…
  • Sorry... I appreciate your point you're making
  • Yes it’s really tricky (an understatement) when you look to the “fringe” for answers.
  • Hi Antonella and GrantAntonella I know you were aiming for more than a physical treatment but I found a good source of the kind of treatment that Grant was describing. It's a liver and gall bladder flush from Mantak Chia, the taoist master, and here is a link https://www.universal-tao.com/article/liver_gall.html. Mantak's…