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Inner Exploration and Healing with Lucid Dreaming

edited August 2013 in Peak state(s)
For those of you who aren't already using this routinely to restore your biology and have fun, first of all: Did you know that it is possible to become consciously aware during a dream? And can you imagine how many great possibilities this brings? No?

For information on how to learn to lucidly dream, what great stuff you can do, and how this can affect your whole life, even the waking part of it, etc. I can recommend you watching this interview with Robert Waggoner, a kind of pioneer in lucid dreaming in the west.

But be careful with all the stuff you know about biology of consciousness. The same safety precautions that Grant McFetridge and others give about using methods and knowledge to heal yourself in waking life should be applied to dream consciousness as well. If you doubt what you want to do is safe, don't do it.

Id be pleased to hear of your experiences and thoughts about that topic. :>

All my best,
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