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Creating Associations?

With the Body Association Technique we can break associations, but is there any way to create new healthy ones? Like say eating vegetables and craving them, or well being when we eat them, or the same with exercise for instance. I know there can be ways with EFT (even though I don't have an association between exercise and well being I deeply etc) but I find they are temporary and not lasting
Thank you


  • edited May 2018
    Hi Antonella,
    I'm not sure about associational traumas since they are a specific thing based on traumas (well, you can always create a positive trauma). But in a general way, our brain works a lot by associating things together.

    For example, I just learned that Viagra is such a success (is effective is and bought a lot) because it was name from closeness with... Niagra falls ! Force of nature :D

    Anyway, you can check the NLP technique of anchoring which does exactly what you ask for.
  • Hi Gaetan, thank you, I guess NLP is temporary as well, I know of the anchoring technique a bit I have used it for alpha state years ago but I remembered it needed reinforcing; I will research it more. What do you mean by positive trauma and how can you create one and use it to form associations?
    Thank you
  • Hi,
    Well I would not suggest to traumatize someone in order to create an association.
    There are so many other ways to do it. Wouldn't it be better to heal the traumas/beliefs that prevents someone for keeping a good habit ?
  • that's for sure lol, but I don't understand the concept of a "positive trauma" and it seemed since it was "positive" it would be a good thing
  • Ah ok !
    A positive trauma is like normal traumas, except the feeling is positive. It still condition the person in a negative way, drive behaviors in a locked way, so it is disruptive to well-being.

    An example of that is when you have to speak in front of many people, and it end up very well, but you are not used to this level of praise and appreciation, so you get "traumatized" by the high intensity of positive emotion. That is due to underlying pre-birth traumas of course. It can make someone crave to have that same experience again and again, beyong reason or optimal life path.

    Another example are in some addiction : the first "high" is so high that is is traumatic ; at the same time, there is pleasure. So the addict will go on looking for that high again, unfortunately will less and less pleasure, and more and more tolerance to toxicity.
  • Thank you for the explanation! It sounds like something I heard before in EFT, a guiding star experience. I must not have those positive traumas then, I had some great feelings in the past while exercising, one I would even call it a peak experience that lasted for a day and a half after yoga, but although I think about it sometimes, I don't have the drive to look for it and actively crave it in a way that encourages me to go to a yoga class again, it's like laziness sets in
  • Oh yeah, a positive trauma would be a short experience, it wouldn't last a day. So probably a peak experience. Hey, have you tried the experience-to-state process on it ? Maybe it would motivate you.
  • That could be a possibility, there's that peak experience and another one I would like to have as permanent states! :)
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