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Loving oneself and Body Associations

Hi, just a doubt that popped up tonight: in working with trauma through loving oneself or with body associations with love and joy isn't there a possibility of associating love and trauma, love, joy and whatever we want to clear with the body association technique? Could it wire someone to want more trauma, more issues so that one can feel loved and safe?
Thank you


  • any insight? thank you
  • Hello Antonella,

    Body associations are formed during trauma.

    So, if you are working on loving yourself, you can only create an association if there is a trauma.
    The good news is, since you are using efficient trauma healing techniques, there is very little chance you'd get re-traumatize, actually I think that's impossible with body associations (only with biographical I suppose).

    Therefore, no there is no risk to create more problem in the way you describe.

    However, you might already have traumas around feeling loved. You can use the body association technique to clear that, as well as generationnal/biographical trauma healing.

    Also there is the special case of positive trauma. That happens when the love you feel is "too much" or "too good to be true" , etc...
    So, you can look for a traumatic association with love. The more traumas you heal, the more love and joy in your life.

    I hope that makes sense.
  • edited June 2018
    Yes, thank you for answering, it makes sense for the body association technique. I was wondering mostly about WHH being in the body in the past loving yourself to clear the trauma, if that could create an association between being loved and experiencing trauma? I guess if it did the body association technique with tapping could take care of the issue though
  • Oh, I see.
    I'm not sure theoretically, but empirically, that never happened to me.

    I think you can't really change the "content" of a trauma. Some techniques try to do that, but I don't think it modifies the biology of the trauma itself (ribosomes). Instead it might create bypasses. Loving yourself doesn't do that.
  • edited June 2018
    Thank you. What do you mean "changing the content of a trauma", like the feelings, like tapping on them? Thank you in advance for the clarifications
  • Yes, I mean, what's the experience of the trauma : emotion, cognition, sensation. If it is a sadness-being alone trauma, you can't change that.

    You can heal it though, and make it CPL. Then the story might also change ('changing the past').
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