I thought I would share a few discoveries I have made since undertaking the Therapist's Course on 2006 in Australia.
In my view there are a number of discoveries that a therapist must be aware of. They are not directly elated to the ISPS's work, though they integrate well with it.
The first is the book "The Divided Mind" by John Sarno:
https://www.amazon.com/Divided-Mind-Epidemic-Mindbody-Disorders/dp/0061174300/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1533987324&sr=8-3&keywords=john+sarnoHe talks about treating depression, anxiety, ocd, chronic pain, etc. using psychological techniques. Essentially, he argues that these problems are emotional in origin. They are an unconscious emotional reaction to life pressures. The central insight is that the unconscious experiences rage that we are completely unaware of. The symptoms - depression, chronic pain, etc. are a defence mechanism.
There is a fascinating historical discussion about hysteria in Freud's time, and how these symptoms seem to follow public opinion closely. Hysteria is almost non- existent now, because the power of suggestion is absent.
In general, people are extremely reluctant to admit that their problems are psychogenic (psychological in origin).
The second psychological technique is called "Intensive Short term Dynamic Psychotherapy." Very simple, and very effective. You can do it on your own.
https://www.amazon.com/Lives-Transformed-Revolutionary-Dynamic-Psychotherapy/dp/1855755114/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1533987790&sr=1-2For example, someone diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality disorder was apparently cured by this technique, and was able to learn empathy.
The third is the "Sinclair Method," a protocol for using naltrexone for treating alcoholism. Also quite simple.
https://www.the-sinclair-method.com/Another piece of news is the use of a kind of "family therapy" in Finland for Schizophrenic patients, that is apparently quite successful. I don't know much about it, though.
In reality, many problems have biological and psychological connections. It is important to address both. Heart disease, for instance, apparently has a strong component of repressed anger. What is interesting is that people with psychosomatic and psycho-affective (e.g. chronic pain, or depression) are usually less likely to get heart disease.