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I was reading some Castaneda related book, and I was wondering if you have encountered a biological basis for voladores, (fungi, bacteria, virus etc) or if you have seen them in shamanic contexts?
Thank you


  • Hello Antonella,
    In fact, YES, most of the institute's work is about them now. I think the research team understood they are the real problem about a dozen years ago.

    These parasites not only are host in our bodies, but in our very consciousness, and that's a disaster. Our consciousness/body is actually retaining them because of survival/homeostasis issues : it believes they should be there. Healing this is very hard, and goes beyond traumas. There are many species, and they create many diseases, starting at the subcellular level. Hence, the Silent Mind get rid of one of them, autism is caused by bacterial organisms, and so on...

    Vol 3 will be all about subcellular psychobiology and psycho-immunology, but you really should get Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook: Subcellular Causes of Psychological Symptoms, where this is explained with several examples.

    In which shamanic book did you get to know them ?
  • edited October 2018
    Thank you! In an Italian book, Creo quel che dico by Dario Canil, it talks about Castaneda especially the book Active side of infinity. It says that mostly it's all about presence and not seeing the thoughts as parts of ourselves, and internal silence, but it seemed reductive, it seemed like the solution was the Silent Mind process, but the entities were described as shadows jumping from place to place (and that didn't look like a fungal thing to me) that feed on awareness and on emotions of greed, fear, aggression, violence, self commiseration, but also self importance.
    By the way, when is Vol 3 coming out? :) And a (maybe) unrelated question, how is the Gaia regeneration process coming along? I was thinking about it today as I have some physical issues I can't seem to get rid of
    Thank you!

  • Hi Antonella,
    Well, what you describe sounds a lot like fungus, but can also be the other kind of parasites. One can perceive them moving around. Some bacterias especially are very mobile, and they can feel very evil. Plus, many people with unusual perceptions projects them on the outer world without realizing they are seeing something inside of themselves. A lot of delusion here, in order to avoid pain.

    The Beauty Way state gives internal silence and also get the CoA out of parasites. This state is much more radical than the Silent Mind, so it might be what's refered in the book.

    About Vol.3, it is all about subcellular psychobiology, but I think to Grant it is really secondary to the humanity project, so expect maybe 10 more years :D

    As for the Regenerative state, well one gets it when you don't have parasites (don't know which ones), so that's probably NOT a state that would be available from a list. More likely, all humanity will get it all at once.
  • edited October 2018
    :o:o double one for 10 years? ouch. Are there books scheduled in these 10 years about the humanity project and other topics? And the second :o for "all humanity will get it at once" I don't understand, do you mean like a 100th monkey effect? I mean you find out which parasites are blocking it, and the treatment will spread to all of humanity?
    Thank you. And yes the Beauty Way sounds more like it.
    Also In the book Castaneda stated that they were seeing this awareness like a coat on the aura that children have and then it gets sucked and there's barely a small pool by the feet when we're adults. I don't completely agree on the projection issue, I mean I know that everything is inside of us, but I also believe in "as above so below" all of nature reflects that, so there may be an outside energetical component/entity mirroring the bacteria. Clearing the inner of course clears the outside issue we are not "palatable" anymore to them.
  • edited October 2018
    Well the 10 years mark is more of a joke, I actually believe it will be achieved earlier, but nothing's sure.
    Are there books scheduled in these 10 years about the humanity project and other topics?
    Yes, there are several focused on Peak States Therapy scheduled : addictions, suicide prevention, ...
    And maybe one on Breakthrough Research which is about a specific peak states that allows maximum cognitive efficiency and its use on groundbreaking research in all domains but of course including subcellular psychobiology, I believe.

    I don't know really what's Grant is scheduling, these are what I've heard about.
    I guess Vol.3 will be an endpoint of some sort, so it will be released after other books.
    I mean you find out which parasites are blocking it, and the treatment will spread to all of humanity?
    As well as there is a planetary consciousness (Gaïa), there is a human specie consciousness that encompass all humans. So it is possible to change all humans at once.

    I don't completely agree on the projection issue, I mean I know that everything is inside of us, but I also believe in "as above so below" all of nature reflects that, so there may be an outside energetical component/entity mirroring the bacteria. Clearing the inner of course clears the outside issue we are not "palatable" anymore to them.
    Yes, well there are so many subcellular cases overlapping our normal consciousness, ... someone more advanced might give you a more refined story about this.

  • Wow! Thank you! Keep us updated :)
  • Hello Gaetan, I was re reading this thread. A question came up for me about this "As well as there is a planetary consciousness (Gaïa), there is a human specie consciousness that encompass all humans. So it is possible to change all humans at once." Why is this not done with the Peak States you have listed? Moral issues or technical methodology issues? I think all humanity could really benefit from a lot of Peak States, especially the Beauty Way in my opinion at least, it would make everyone treat each other and Gaia better
    Thank you

  • Hello,
    Yes, that's the goal of the Institute :-)
    The Beauty Way, at least, but we are actually targeting 3 ultimate states (one for each parasite issue) that will heal all problems and give all peak states.
    As so far we haven't got a solution for these, we don't do any change to humanity, for several reasons that are beyond this conversation. To use a metaphor, we'd better keep our ammunition for the real deal :-)
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