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I was reading some Castaneda related book, and I was wondering if you have encountered a biological basis for voladores, (fungi, bacteria, virus etc) or if you have seen them in shamanic contexts?
Thank you
Well, what you describe sounds a lot like fungus, but can also be the other kind of parasites. One can perceive them moving around. Some bacterias especially are very mobile, and they can feel very evil. Plus, many people with unusual perceptions projects them on the outer world without realizing they are seeing something inside of themselves. A lot of delusion here, in order to avoid pain.
And maybe one on Breakthrough Research which is about a specific peak states that allows maximum cognitive efficiency and its use on groundbreaking research in all domains but of course including subcellular psychobiology, I believe.
I don't know really what's Grant is scheduling, these are what I've heard about.
I guess Vol.3 will be an endpoint of some sort, so it will be released after other books.
Yes, that's the goal of the Institute :-)
The Beauty Way, at least, but we are actually targeting 3 ultimate states (one for each parasite issue) that will heal all problems and give all peak states.
As so far we haven't got a solution for these, we don't do any change to humanity, for several reasons that are beyond this conversation. To use a metaphor, we'd better keep our ammunition for the real deal :-)