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Any Difference in Your Eyes?

Right before doing Lyme treatment, I noticed that when I unintentionally squeezed my eyes hard (like during a big yawn), I saw two "comets" moving towards each other, then merge into a bigger ball that cleared and expanded to cover me/my vision.  A while later (after it didn't work for me) the "comets" crashed, or something much less than what appeared before.
The other day I saw a large goldish white ball surrounded by a lattice network of gold wires (I rarely see gold in my eyes, usually red, orange, green, a little purple/blue/white).  Never seen anything close that before. 
That really got me wondering if anyone else has noticed changes in their eyes right before they planned to do something, or after they did something. 
Have you?


  • I noticed this on my friends after healing a f. in front of their eye or healing a soul loss in their face.
    And everytime it made their vision/seeing clearer.
  • Interesting. 
    What is a "f."? 
  • hi David!  from my experience, a lot of things can change what you see. Where was your coa at that moment?  in what state were you in at that moment?  we can have a lot of different states with special abilities and we have to learn what to do with it.  But the first thing to know is that you see where you look whith your coa.  is it helpfull?
  • Anne, I couldn't tell you.  I kind of figured that might be a problem (so I asked a muscle tester), and:

    Do I have a CoA that is detectable and can be pinpointed? Y N

    Is my CoA usually 1st person, 2nd/3rd person, or other?

    Where is my CoA usually: head, below belly button


    While everyone might have a CoA, as with mine, they might not be able to feel/ detect it, as with me.  CoA being seen as from outside, not felt in "me", might have something to do with it.  To me, this suggests it might be due to trauma. 
  • Yes if your COA is outside your body, try to put it back into your body and feel the resistance to do so, and also sometimes the positive feeling to keep it outside, and heal it with tapping.
  • I saw a documentary about the side effects of anti- depressants. One guy became very distressed and said that he was outside his head looking back. It sounded like what you said about COA being outside the body. It was an effect of anti- depressants. Some people react severely to anti- depressants.

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