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Throat and subvocalizing

So my throat always feels constricted and strangled, and I self talk all the time. 
I experience the talk in my head,  but I wonder if it actually starts in my throat.
I began to notice I defaultly have my tongue pressed up on roof of my mouth.
It's interesting that whenever I say something nice and loving in my head, I get a "dark" autoreply..i think comes from my throat. Ex. Consciously say "I love myself" --> Throat: "no you don't " lol. It doesn't like any sweetness.

Edit- I think elements of e-holes get mixed in with the self talk

What brain is the throat associated with?


  • Hi Benj,

    The throat is associated with the vertebral spine brain, which is located in the back of the neck / between the scapula.

    Well, when you say "I love myself" and hear back "No you don't", it can be 2 things mainly :
     - Ribosomal voices / soul pieces : a fixed independant "voices" that repeats itself. It is eliminated with body association or the Silent Mind technique.
     - One of your brains actually tells you the truth : you don't completely love yourself !

    In the later case, that's a great opportunity to heal yourself, because you can feel pretty easily "Yes, that's true, I don't love myself" and then go to why you don't love yourself, and heal it.

    Positive affirmations rarely works if there is a contradicting trauma.

    So, if you go into your own "shadow" and accept that you don't love yourself, and heal all traumas, you will get an increase of self-love. Actually, Self-Love works just like a peak state : you can get a permanent, strong and inconditionnal feeling of loving yourself. And when you are in such a state, you don't need any affirmation. It just is that way.

    Beside all this, yes, constriction in the throat create mental chatter.

    You can verify this by voluntarily relaxing your throat and tongue completely. Let it all relax at a maximum possible. All of you face down to the neck. You will experience an increase of inner silence in the mind.

    Then if any trauma comes up, heal it :)
    You might get very silent afterward.

  • Thank you very much!
    I've done the silent mind.. so no doubt it's the second option.. It's telling me the truth :s.. Ok I'll work on that.
  • Yes, courage !
    Facing the stuff that we don't want to face and avoid like the plague can be so rewarding.
  • edited December 2018
    Yeah.. shit.. that's what I hear :#.. Need to realize. 
    So rather than a affirmation, "I love myself" can be used as trigger phrase ,right?

    Also, I notice the insults to self are always in 3rd person "you're weak", "you're a coward", etc.. does that mean anything?
    I'm guessing just dissociation of brains. Mind too arrogant for heart.
  • Hi,
    Yes, that's probably projections, i.e. brains are blaming each others. When they merge, the tendency will go to saying this at 1st person.
    So, you can use the Courteau projection technique on these :)
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