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CoA position and extrasystoles
I have noticed that my CoA is usually in the area at the brainstem/start of the throat level and I have extrasystole issues (usually at rest as seen from a cardiologist) as well as a generalized state of anxiety. Experimenting with the CoA position I have noticed that when I move it more to in the limbic and cortexes and prefrontal I have no extrasystole issues, my heartbeat is normal, and I also feel more generally calm and silent inside, serene, even though it takes a bit of strain to keep my CoA there and when I don't focus on it it easily goes back after minutes to half an hour
How can I keep y CoA in the limbic or cortexes without effort if it solves my issues? Why do I have extrasystole when the CoA is in the brainstem? How can I solve this issue?
Thank you so much
2) There might be traumas that prevent your CoA to maintain itself in the cortex. If you feel that it is an "effort", then this might indicate you can heal it. Focus on this effort, accept the tension, and it might eventually lead to an emotion / stuck belief.