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Ishaya Ascension techniques revealed


some time ago I did the Ishaya course and was able to learn their meditation methods. This is what it is:

Think a little about what for you is "the highest good for you and all the world," and kind of let it "drop in" into your mind. Often people get the word love for example. This is called the "star word," (sw) and it is personalized. This is one of their innovations.

The phrases for meditation are as follows:

1. praise (sw) for my life

2. thank (sw) for my body world.

3. (sw) loves me

4. OM compassion, and focus on a point one foot in front of your spine, at the level of the pubic bone. This one is a little intense at first.

The phrases are to be subvocalized as effortlessly as possible, the less effort used, the more effective. It is not clear to me whether you need to cycle through all the phrases. The meditation is very effective and calming. They say that you need to learn it experientially, with a teacher, but I am not entirely sure this is true.


  • Hi Andrew,

    Great, thanks for sharing !

    What did this meditation do for you ? What results do you get practicing it ?

    So, if the "star word" is for instance, compassion, the phrases are :

    - praise compassion for my life
    - thank compassion for my body world
    - compassion loves me
    - OM

    That's not really clear to me what the phrases really mean in my language, like what is "body world" ?

    So if I understand well, the 4 part you say OM while having your CoA in your perineum, correct ? Where do you put your attention the rest of the time ?

    Thanks !!

  • It really clears the mind of "chatter" like nothing else. Its just thought, and your normal emotions. There is a feeling of serenity, but it is quite subtle. It is like everything will be alright.

    Body - world is like, my body- everything. My body- and my world. Like everything in my life, as it links to the body. The body is the human body, and the world is "everything." I thing is to rid the body of stress.

    You don't have to move your COA- just focus on that point, and OM compassion. The compassion word might not be your star word, but you use it anyway. It is dramatic at first (this particular one, not the others), but it settles down. They put is in a special room with the trainer, who read something in Sanskrit while we did it.

    The rest of the time, the idea is to use as little effort as possible while subvocalizing. You just "see" the word in your minds eye, with eyes closed, coming from left to right. But as little effort, as spontaneously as you can. No effort- it just happens.

  • Hi Andrew,

    Some feedback. So I did it on 2 occasions.

    The first one, what came up was "Universal Love" and it felt amazing ! After the 4st step, I felt a deep comfort and felt surrounded by love everywhere. So that was a peak experience for sure, though it lasted only a couple of minutes.

    In the middle of working on other peak states processes, so there might be an interaction + I have no time to do X2S at the moment, since I have unfinished business. But I WILL get back to it !

    The 2nd time, what came up was "Simplicity". It felt quite calming and tuning down some restlessness in me, in a great way. Today I am not doing any work, but just enjoying my holiday.

    So, it seems this meditation is really effective ! It probably uses a Gaïa connection to get the star word.

    That's AWESOME !!! Thank you very much for sharing it here.

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