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Suggestive aspects of the ancieent Egyptian religion

A while ago I emailed Grant with the following information, which II thought other people might also find interesting:

I just read an interesting paragraph in the book "Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt" by John Anthony West. On page 51 there is the statement: "The schematic representation of the fertilised ovum could well be a biological expression of the ancient Hermopolitan mystery: 'I am the One that becomes Two that becomes Four that becomes Eight. And then I am One again.'"
In volume 2, page 490 it says "First cell divisions... The primary cell forms at the fourth cell division..."

The implications are obvious. It is interesting that he sees the fertilised ovum as the expression of a religious principle, rather than the other way around - a very mystical interpretation.

This has to also be viewed in context. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that people living in Egypt at some stage of its history had access to advanced technology. There is evidence of machining of granite in the construction of the pyramids, residue of chemical reactions on the wall of the queens chamber, etc. It has been suggested that the ancient Egyptian religion is a legacy of this lost civilisation.

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