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Categorizing the paranormal


I was just wondering if anyone had an opinion about certain paranormal phenomena, namely "ghosts" and "orbs." I suspect that these are each different phenomena. The other issue is "hauntings" of houses, objects, etc.

Another question is the nature of a "Ouija board." What is happening here? I once read an article about a teenage girl who started showing signs of possession / schizophrenia after using an "Ouija board app" on her smartphone. Does it have the power to trigger schizophrenia?


  • Well, it is not a surprise to me that summoning "entities" actually triggers them...

    And as we often project our primary cell environment onto the outer world, I would think that most "paranormal" things are actually subcellular cases. Actually, I can't think of a counter-example to this.

    What are "orbs" exactly ?

    And for "haunted objects" or "items of power", there are actually certain micro-organisms that live on wood or other surfaces that can be communicated with, in a certain peak states. Thus, items can be "enchanted" even if it has nothing to do with magic, but rather with biology.
  • Grant also told in the forum, that sometimes we perceive parasite like bacteria as people, and interact with them and can hear them, see them as people because we feel lonely.

    It's like angels. People feeling like there is an angel near them to support them in their life, but what I have really seen with my clients, is just a manipulation fungus disguised as an angel or "good-divine being"...
  • Its just that there are photographs of orbs and ghosts. I met someone who used to go into graveyards and take photographs of the interior of crypts. He showed me photographs of orbs in the crypt. I have seen what seemed to be a ghost, on 2 occasions. They looked like something out of a movie. In both instances they ignored me totally and moved around the world. They looked "haunted."
  • I have also seen orbs and have taken pictures, when I was experimenting stuffs in my childhood. So yes in this case I don't know what it is neither.
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