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Personality disorders

I was just wondering if anyone had much experience treating personality disorders?

Specifically, can they be treated with EFT, or is there likely to be trauma at a "more difficult to access" level?

I once read an article on the Gary Craig website where a women with BPD successfully treated her disorder with a lot of EFT tapping. She went through her childhood incident by incident as recommended (it took a year, apparently). Of course someone with this disorder could also do EFT on the symptoms as well.

On the other hand, "heart shutdown" requires a projection technique (it is in one of the peak state books.) So psychopathy might require something more complex to treat. Something like NPD sounds more complex as well. I suspect that the more unaware (or uncaring) of their problem the person is, the more complex the treatment would be.

Then there are problems that seem in a "grey zone" between normality and a personality disorder, like emotional immaturity in adults. You would think that treatment in this area would be simpler.


  • The current treatments to heal the schizophrenic voices, MPD (DID), ADD/ADHD are not just tapping: it's undirect causes, subcellular causes that create the problem in the first place.

    So yes it's a complex subject, and took many years of trials and errors to have process to heal the one currently listed on the clinic section.
  • My thoughts:  I think the "try it, you never know" attitude can be helpful here, at least for EFT. 

    For all healing methods, it might be a question of access, knowing what to heal (source(s)), and how to do it.  I also suspect that the more unaware (or uncaring) of their problem the person is, the more complex the treatment would be, though I'd go more with uncaring as the stronger force. 

    I've healed BPD in a few hours, a lot was EFT; it seemed to work a second time, too, but without follow up I couldn't know.  IIRC, Zivorad Slavinski talks about one time when he healed it in 15 minutes with Deep PEAT.  Muscle testing might help to find what to tap on.  I have seen where the original problem seems to be known, but tapping doesn't seem to help/ change much--but that's depending on if it really is the problem, or just a guess. 

    I think PS gives a better map, linked processes, and some things seem so much easier and quicker than anything else--like TBI repair, for example--you could probably tap for years and still be so far from success/completion.  And it works much better for macro things--for example, why worry about every single type of viral and bacterial infection, when you could shut the whole problem down at one go? 
  • I certainly agree with "uncaring" being the bigger issue. It suggests a more profoundly disturbed person. People with NPD seem to live on the verge of hallucination. I suppose its what to do until the really effective methods are uncovered.
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