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Gary Craig's new EFT method - the "unseen therapst."

You can download the latest innovation from Gary Craig's website.
He calls it the "unseen therapist."

It works as follows:

1. Identify a bothersome specific event from your past. 

2. Be quiet, loving and invite The Unseen Therapist to resolve it. 

Phase 1 — Assume an expectation of success.
Phase 2 — Achieving quietness.
Phase 3 — Entering a loving moment: Then recall a loving moment and immerse yourself in that feeling.
Phase 4 — Run your specific event movie and offer it to The Unseen Therapist for resolution: Your next phase is to mentally shift to your specific event.
As you perform this procedure, it may help to imagine The Unseen Therapist at work through one or more metaphors. For example, I sometimes envision an emotional issue as a red, throbbing ball or as a persistent vibration within my body (I refer to this as the “jitters”). Then I imagine The Unseen Therapist as a gentle waterfall or cool breeze that cools the red ball or calms down the vibration. You could also imagine flooding the crescendo with love or having it float off into the heavens. 
Phase 5 — Test your result: Once you are done with a specific event, a simple way to test the effectiveness of this effort is to run the movie in your mind again and focus on the emotional crescendo. Has it changed? Is it less intense? Is it there at all?


  • From what I understood (not well or much), it seems it's trying a connection with Gaia. 
  • Then probably it gets people stuck in fungus, which can mimick trauma healing but is very damaging actually. Not a good idea !
    Why not just use EFT, it is so efficient as it is !
  • Hello Gaetan, can you please explain 1) why trying to connect with Gaia gets people stuck in fungus, 2) why is it damaging and not healing  and 3) how to truly achieve an at least partial connection with Gaia?
    Thank you so much
  • Yes,
    Fungus act as sensate substitute for Gaïa. In other words, they "disguise themselves" as Gaïa and exploit the biological niches that should be connected to Gaïa.

    Imagine that your friends' phone number's in your phone have all be replaced by your worst ennemy's number ! Every time you think you are ringing a friend, you end up hearing horrible things. That's kind of the same.
    Some fungus are really evil, some are neutral, but all are parasiting us in a bad way. Therefore, all of humanity is severely separated from Gaïa, the bugs and fungus being the main reason.

    There are also A LOT of fungal species in the primary cell : the borg that creates tribal block, the column of self, the oversoul, the chakras and meridian, the merkaba, the life path, the core traumas in the spine, the armoring, and much more. The extent of the problem is catastrophic. The Creator itself is, in almost all humans, a fungus...

    It is very hard to connect to Gaïa for people in average consciousness, apart from momentary moments of inspiration and intuition. The borg is a big obstacle. Getting the Silent Mind state is the first step, but then you discover more and more (and sometimes worst) layers. One of them is the manipulation fungus which forces people to act in certain ways and scares them to paralysis if they try to resist.

    Several fungus have the ability to numb the host or make him feel comfortable. They can mimic trauma healing this way. But being anesthesiated, numbed, fooled, or manipulated, is the opposite of being free. Rather, it encourage the fungus to grow and take power over us.
    In the same way, some fungus manipulate us into feeling powerful, as in fanaticism for example. Of course, you have to give up your humanity and become a monster, in the trade for some peace of mind or power. Think about genocide, terrorism, etc...

    So when reading about the "unseen therapist" I immediately think of the manipulation fungus or others that make you feel better but actually damage you. This is bad. EFT, on the other hand, is safe and efficient (and fast) !

    Now, how can one strenghten his connection to Gaïa ?

    Well, that's the core purpose of the Institute, and our research had been going for 30 years since Grant started this...

    One of the best way is to use the 15-minutes miracle technique. Another one is to heal your life path frequently. That puts you closer to Gaïa. Then, all peak state work will clean more and more layers. There are some fungal species we can eliminate, some we can repair, and several for which we have no solution yet. Research in this area is, of course, dangerous.

    Does that answer your questions ? :-)
  • edited August 2019
    Wow, thank you, yes it does and it raises a few more questions :) ! It's kinda complex and a bit scary to have all of these fungi with "masks"!  When you say "to heal your life path" you mean biographical and generational clearing? Does this by itself release the hold some fungi have over us? Is there a way to discern whether you are connecting even partially to Gaia or to a fungus? And another thing, maybe it's a silly question, but I wonder, as there are some supplements and diets to get rid of fungal infections in the body would these be good candidates to get rid of some fungi in the primary cell or not because of the blood brain barrier? Thank you again
  • Hi again,
    Supplements and diet are probably a waste of time (and money).
    They would kill parasites in the gut, yes. But the primary cell is another league. The problem is, the primary cell actually WANT the parasites to be there ! That is why there are huge homeostasis problems.

    We have seen people get access to their primary cell and "kill" parasites. Problem is... seconds to hours later, the primary cell react by pulling in MORE of them to compensate, and you end up badly damaged.

    Yes that stuff is pretty dangerous :-)
    At least, you are in homeostasis now !

    Re the life path, it is a technique we teach, called Seeing the Life Path ability and then we can do some work there. What is does though, is make that particular fungus healthier. Which is good in a sense, but it would be better to remove it altogether. We don't have a process with that yet.

    How to discern if you are connecting to a fungus ?

    I'm not sure on this one. It can be hard. Not only the fungus fool you, but you actually fool yourself too ! They are very addictive, and can give you nice feelings : feeling superior, bliss, numbness, power, etc... so it is hard to let go and see the truth.
    You can see them if you decide to "see the truth" and switch from a spiritual view to a biological view. The transpersonnal biology model states that every spiritual experience has a counterpart in the biology. By looking at the biology, it becomes more obvious what is fungal and what is not : fungus give a sense of nausea, revulsion, and often evil. You can get the feeling you will be contaminated by evil forever. Talk about scarry stuff !
  • Hi thank you again. That is scary! The body association technique wouldn't work in the primary cell to convince it that it doesn't need the fungus? I know the technique itself is based on a fungus so maybe is the Silent mind technique safe? Has the 15 minute miracle been tried?  (being grateful to feel that we don't need the fungus, that it's gone and so on?)
    I can relate to the evil nausea stuff, it's one of the things that has turned me and other people away from a popular technique that was "connecting to creator".....
  • edited August 2019
    aside from the 15 minute miracle what about the ho'ponopono approach of seeing everything even the parasites and fungi as part of oneself and "I'm sorry (for creating this) I love you, please forgive me, thank you (for taking are of this)? Just ideas you may have already tried but inquiring minds want to know :) thank you
  • one thing that came to mind about diet, anecdotal but interesting: Garlic for instance has always been considered as a remedy for the evil eye, evil spirits etc. Is it possible at all that, since garlic actually crosses the blood brain barrier (although eating garlic seems it's not that healthy for the brain) temporarily suppresses the borg fungus or its ability to communicate?
  • Hi Antonella,

    Hi thank you again. That is scary! The body association technique wouldn't work in the primary cell to convince it that it doesn't need the fungus? I know the technique itself is based on a fungus so maybe is the Silent mind technique safe? Has the 15 minute miracle been tried?  (being grateful to feel that we don't need the fungus, that it's gone and so on?)
    The body association technique is the main technique we use to get rid of some parasites actually. It is safe and neat. But it doesn't get rid of deeper stuff or stuff we want there for other reasons.
    For example, the body association technique works on ribosomal voices (from the borg) but not on the tribal block, and doesn't eliminate the borg itself. The Silent Mind technique eliminate the borg entirely, so there are no voices and no tribal block (and cords) afterward. This process is very safe, we use this one a lot !

    About the 15-minute miracle, it is not a healing technique. So it doesn't really heal anything. But it put you in touch with Gaïa which is great. The stronger the gratitude, the better. There is actually a permanent Gratitude state. And of course, all other peak states or healings increase the efficacy of the 15-minute miracle.

    If your try and feel grateful for not having fungus, I don't know what it will do. Probably it will eliminate it temporarily, but again that's what YOU DO NOT WANT to do ! The problem generally comes back later. I've seen it in a few stubborn people who did not follow my instructions and believed in their "energy technique" to be better... only to feel worse a few days later...

    So, to be on the safe side, stick to healing generationnals and associations. That's the best we got.
  • aside from the 15 minute miracle what about the ho'ponopono approach of seeing everything even the parasites and fungi as part of oneself and "I'm sorry (for creating this) I love you, please forgive me, thank you (for taking are of this)? Just ideas you may have already tried but inquiring minds want to know thank you

    I've done Ho'oponopono quite a lot and I love it. Doesn't seem to get rid of parasites. But it does use gratitude which connects you to Gaïa. But I have never used it directly on a parasite. Honestly, when I'm facing one of them, I want the safe, fast and efficient technique that I know works.
    So, you can try and tell us what it does...
  • one thing that came to mind about diet, anecdotal but interesting: Garlic for instance has always been considered as a remedy for the evil eye, evil spirits etc. Is it possible at all that, since garlic actually crosses the blood brain barrier (although eating garlic seems it's not that healthy for the brain) temporarily suppresses the borg fungus or its ability to communicate?
    I understand you are trying to find solutions and that is great :)

    However, that kind of stuff does NOT work. Crossing the brain blood barrier is not good enough. Remember, the primary cell will fight to keep the fungus because it wants it there.

  • Another note on parasite and homeostasis :

    Though fungus create havoc in human beings and are a severe problems, there are actually secondary to the other type of parasites, especially bugs. Some bugs want a fungus around themselves. The motivation to keep the bugs is extremely strong, and as a secondary issue, fungus benefit from this addiction. Well, it is more than an addiction actually. More like a death-or-life identification problem.
  • Thank you so much for the explanations and the info! I could try the Ho'ponopono on it if I get he courage after all these warnings LOL!
    Yes, I'm trying to think of ways to clear these issues, even though I can't do the courses right now for financial issues I am very interested in this work. I hope these issues will be solved soon and vol 3 will be out soon (?) . Am i correct in thinking that Gaia Herself if connected to strongly enough can get rid of the bugs fungus etc without side effects? Maybe a mix of help from Gaia and the Void?
    You said in "almost" all the humans Creator is a fungus, what is the real Creator if there is on then, or is there just Gaia and the Void?
    And I wonder why though it's not possible to go back to the point of ancestral first infection with the bugs and clear the need for them at that point?
    Sorry for more and more questions, but it's so fascinating
    Thank you
  • So what what effects would there be if the primary cell got rid of the fungi that create the column of self, the oversoul, the chakras and meridians, the merkaba, the life path, etc.?
  • Hi,
    David :
    The effects would be amazing ! We would get several peak states from that. Even better if we could eliminate all fungus which is the end goal of course.

    Antonella :
    "vol 3 will be out soon"
    => not likely...

    "Am i correct in thinking that Gaia Herself if connected to strongly enough can get rid of the bugs fungus etc without side effects?"
    Well, the parasites are the reason why we don't have a strong connection to Gaïa in the first place, so...

    You said in "almost" all the humans Creator is a fungus, what is the real Creator if there is on then, or is there just Gaia and the Void?
    Still in research...

    And I wonder why though it's not possible to go back to the point of ancestral first infection with the bugs and clear the need for them at that point?
    There is more to it than healing traumas. I can't disclose more because that's research and I don't even know :D

  • What if the bugs are there because of Gaia, or more clearly, a problem that afflicts/ has infected Gaia, and humankind are therefore infected?  Could Gaia be healed??
  • edited September 2019
    That's the kind of discussion that we can only have with certified therapist and also many things are known by the research staff only. And there are things that are still in research/not known. :)
  • Interesting idea David, maybe some are because of a problem that afflicts Gaia, but some aren't, for instance some reptiles are able to regenerate and as far as I understand from the books that is because they aren't infected by certain bugs like mammals are, can anyone confirm this? Thank you
  • Hello,
    That kind of regeneration is far from what's actually possible.
  • edited September 2019
    So it's not the absence of some bugs that gives reptiles the ability to regenerate? Is it the DNA or? Has anyone looked into the primary cell of a reptile who can regenerate? Thank you
  • Found where I got this, Subcellular Psychobiology page 20 "One particular species in this class causes the primary block to fundamental peak states of consciousness, including the ability to regenerate"  and page 89 "Regenerative healing has several defining characteristics: it will heal virtually everything in a person, from teeth to missing organs;"
    "regenerative healing uses a radically different approach that does not involve any kind of trauma healing, but rather temporarily bypasses the core problem of our species."
    Has the understanding changed?

  • Antonella, which kind of reptiles can regenerate ?
    Apart from small lizards tail, I've never quite heard of it.
  • edited September 2019
    There are a few that science knows of, these are some, and that's the point, what is it that allows this as I asked, absence of bugs dna or is it not known yet for sure? And what about regenerative healing I mentioned before in the quotes of subcellular book? Inquiring minds...Thank you
  • I have heard that babies can regenerate the tips of their fingers for the first few months in life or so.

  • edited September 2019
    David, it makes sense in a "as below so above" logic way that as Gaia is aware and gives commands, the rest of the planets, the Sun, the galaxy and galaxies have consciousness and may give commands to Gaia and maybe to us as well. These messages can be good or bad for Gaia, or for us, misheard by Gaia or not followed etc In addition most of life on Earth comes from the stars themselves, including us, so it's not a stretch at all to say that we receive messages from the universe. There is a great book by Gregory Sams "Sun of God" about the consciousness of the Sun and the Universe

  • Gaïa as we understand it is kinda outside of space and outside of time. So it is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Some peak states give a sense of timelessness, some allow to travel through time.

    So in that sense, nothing is "above" Gaïa because Gaïa is nowhere/everywhere, non-located if you prefer.

    From my understanding, Gaïa is not made by the biosphere, Gaïa makes the biosphere.
  • edited September 2019
    Antonella, I believe that.  Each has its space and influence, and influences and is influenced by others.  If space objects/their fields receive instructions from other space objects/their fields, it would be possible for a frequency to be a little off (for example, the electromagnetic pulses found coming from space, especially connecting to the Sun), or even paired light or such (like doing energy healing long distance).  I'll check out that book, thanks. 

    Perhaps it is a fall from a higher state of existence that allowed/ brought with it imperfect states and (primary cell) infections.  That human regenerative healing has been documented (not sure what the limits to it were/ what it was tried on) seems to indicate that this imperfect condition of primary cell infections. and pre-birth trauma. may be completely superable. 

    I think it all depends on what/where/how big Gaia is, or even better, what the order of influence is, the relationship between the space objects/their fields. 

    Maybe the question is, how are people who have NO primary cell infections different?  What abilities, symptoms/lack of symptoms, states, etc.?  Were regenerative healers' primary cells found to be that way? 

    I don't believe that most things can be outside of space, but maybe time, though perhaps the two go together.  If Gaia is an energy field, or spirit, then it has to exist somewhere, even if not constrained by space and time.  If it is outside of them, and is not made by the biosphere, but makes the biosphere, it seems Gaia is not the earth's spirit, but something more grand, say, of the universe. 

    In that case, has the earth's spirit (I believe it does)/ primary cell (I believe it would) exist, and if so, where?  How would healing that make a difference? 

    Sorry for jumping into the abyss...  :)

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