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"Triune Brain (Sacred Being) Damage" (from "Subcellular Psychobiology")

I am interested in what other "traumas, symptoms, and subcellular cases in people" damage to the blocks cause.  (p. 212)


  • Hello David,
    This category is very very broad actually. The book doesn't describe much, partially because many details were unknown, but most likely because of severe safety issues.

    There are many, many problems that comes down to the sacred beings being damaged. The new generation of processes takes this into account, however we discourage people to work directly at the block level because of the highness of risk both in intensity and probablility.
  • edited August 2021
    Hi Gatean,

    I'm pretty sure that's my main problem, lol.  Along with what's in the book, there is deep self-sabotage that I had thought was at the triune brain level, but I imagine this damage is more likely, as it (and other problems/ beliefs) seems to be generational, too, but not a typical generational or biographical trauma that can be healed with EFT. 

    I'm looking for someone who can heal it.  Does it take a lot of EFT and feeling on my part, or is it one of the healings that can the therapist can look at and heal, and I would just be more passive? 

    I imagine these would be healed first, THEN triune brain problems? 

    Theoretically, if one were to take lots of medicine/ herbs that kill viruses, bacteria, funguses, parasites, would that make it to the primary cell and heal a lot of problems that inhibit peak states?  For example, I take anti-fungals, and ADD, voices, OCD, and sacred being blocks get better; I take anti-bacterials, and Asperger's gets better; etc. 
  • Hi David,

    Theoretically, if one were to take lots of medicine/ herbs that kill viruses, bacteria, funguses, parasites, would that make it to the primary cell and heal a lot of problems that inhibit peak states?  For example, I take anti-fungals, and ADD, voices, OCD, and sacred being blocks get better; I take anti-bacterials, and Asperger's gets better; etc.

    Actually, there are some evidence of it in the medical litterature, however no one in the academic world understands why so this is ignored.

    Unfortunately, it is likely from our research that this effect is temporary or limited because the traumas that are the root problems are still there. Hence :
    1) The body actually resists to the treatment and try to make it fail
    2) Once the treatment is stopped, the body finds a way to get the disease back. And even sometimes, the new problem is worse than the old one, as the body tries to compensate.

    I know this sounds absurd, but that's how it works. The body brain is does NOT get rid of diseases even if they are lethal, unless the underlying trauma is released. That is because the trauma makes the body believe it needs the problem to survive. Just look at the global state of humanity, and you will see how pervasive this is.

    Our goal is not "managing the problem" or "keeping it low", we want to eradicate it completely and permanently. 

    That being said, keep doing what you are doing if you feel it is working for you.

    I'm pretty sure that's my main problem, lol.  Along with what's in the book, there is deep self-sabotage that I had thought was at the triune brain level, but I imagine this damage is more likely, as it (and other problems/ beliefs) seems to be generational, too, but not a typical generational or biographical trauma that can be healed with EFT. 

    Well, sacred blocks damages are often caused by generationnals. But the link between the trauma to heal and the symptom can be indirect, very indirect, making it impossible to find unless you have a very good map. There is a reason why it takes us decades to make progress!

    Self-sabotage is more likely to be generated by a parasite than triune brain or sacred block damage. And there are a lot of them. For example, if you have voices, you also have the tribal block, and that's the n°1 source of self-sabotage, so I would look for that first.

    If you want to eliminate your issue, then yes of course you should contact one of our therapist, and if they can't help, they will refer you to a more advanced one.

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