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Peak State and Psychic Ability

edited May 2013 in Peak state(s)

I want to ask about how Peak state think of Psychic Ability? 
Like the clairvoyance? and all other 3 clairs?

Is that possible that when one person was in a certain peak state, these abilities are open?
As well , how can that be applied in helping the happiness of life?

The question a bit general coz I don't know how to ask a specific one, as in the textbooks of peak states, it has not been discussion much about that. 

If anyone can answer this , it will be great!


  • Hi Kryon, some of the psychic abilities we use are state dependent, meaning there is a peakstate that makes you have the ability. Others are learned technique. These abilities are the normal healthy state of a human being, not reserved for special people or gurus. In our healthy future to come, if we make it as a mankind, we will hall operate with those abilities. And yes, when they are normal and applied by a healthy person, they will not be abused or misused. 
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