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Bugs and our need for them

Hello everyone, I am new to the forum but I have been interested in the Institute work for a while via the books. I was reading the latest one, Subcellular Psychology and I was reading about the bug-like parasites (scary, won't try anything by myself! and in some way they made me think of the shamanic Wetikos....) and I had a question that surely has been addressed inside the institute: since it states there that the primary cell feels like it needs the parasites. Is there a possibility to exploit that need, in the sense of finding the source of that "need", the trauma, experience even at the beginning of development of mammals, and turn that off?
On the other hand in an as above so below parallel, there may be bugs/bacteria that are helping the cell in the same way that our gut bacteria helps us or the bacteria on the skin. Could the issue be also a lack of discriminatory capacity as to which ones help and which ones harm? Also there may be underlying loneliness, just brainstorming here
Thank you so much and any update on the solution of the issue is greatly appreciated
Antonella Ercolani


  • Hello Antonella,
    I give you what I know, knowing that I'm not in the research nor the trainers team.
    Yes, there is a way to turn the needs for bug "off" to some extent.
    We do this by healing relevant traumas : first, the body association type of traumas make the body brain retain parasites, and we can heal it with our technique.
    Then, the primary source of opportunity for parasites to niche in is caused by generationnal traumas, and healing the relevant ones make it impossible for parasites to return.

    However, the parasite issue is complex and multi-layered.
    There are many kinds of parasites, and they are there at all levels of the primary cell.
    The deeper we go, the more difficult it gets, because dealing with parasites it NOT like trauma healing. Meaning the parasites will actively act against the healing.

    Thus, the deepest levels of parasites are really difficult to neutralize, because they influence the primary cell into being vulnerable to other parasites.
    One of the long-term goal of the institute was to understand : "we humans have traumas in the first place, and is there a way to heal all traumas at once ?".
    Well, traumas are cause by deep parasites.

    So, healing the "surface parasites" is doable with trauma healing, because these parasites are there because of traumas.
    Instead, for deeper parasites, it is the other way around : traumas are there because of them.

    So, how to heal that ?

    Well, the research today is focused on understanding the life cycle of the core parasites.

    I just give you the simple part. The issue is very complex.

    About gut flora : these beneficial parasites are NOT like the primary cell parasites. They act in symbiosis with the body, in a mechanical way.
    The primary cell parasites interact with the consciousness of someone. You can kill gut parasites with antiobiotics, antifungals, etc...
    Trying to do that in the primary cell WILL create majors problems in one's consciousness, and WILL create majors issues like mental disorders, pain, unability to live normally, and even death.

    So, very different issues.

    However, the cellular and subcellular biology is fundamentally important to our work, but I won't be able to explain much more.

    Does it answer your questions ?

  • edited January 2016
    Thank you very much, very interesting stuff! it does answer much of my question! I was also wondering whether part of the answer is regressing to the time when the decision to partner or submit to the core parasites was made, meaning the very beginning of mammal life, since these parasites as I understand don't exist in animals able to regenerate and "lower" on the developmental scale. Maybe at that level of regression another intention, healing or instinct decision can be made depending on the reason why it happened in the first place? The trauma of the first partnering or attack of the parasites may very well be the core trauma that caused the trauma to be there, exactly because of them? Just juggling ideas with the little I know
    Thank you again
  • It is an interesting idea, but I think the research team already tried that.

    The problem is : there is no trauma to heal, because the first infection wasn't due to the presence of generationnal or associationnal trauma. It requires a totally different way of healing.

    But again, it is a very complex problem, and we are only scratching the surface here.

    But I heard there is going to be more informations on subcellular psychiobiology available... soon ! ;-)
  • Thank you for the reply and keep updating as soon as there is more info :) thanks! As an aside are there any trainings available in the future in Europe? (in English)
    Thank you
  • Updates will come, yes. There are some books being written, so you can expect some release this year hopefully.
    As for trainings, they happen every year in Germany, poland, and Denmark I think. You should contact trainers directly to know more, as the schedule is open to variation depending on people :
  • edited December 2018
    This seems to mirror, in my uneducated opinion though, the fungi in the primary cell. It ties with the question above, as we can understand from the research on trees these fungi can have both dangers and benefits to the single trees and to the forest.
    This raises some (again uneducated) questions for me: 1) If all fungal infections in the primary cell are cleared, would we lose an innate ability to connect energetically with other people? (emotionally, mentally, or pretending to be someone else for healing purposes, etc) 2) If this were the case, would it be better to either "retrain" the instincts of the fungi or eliminate them selectively, i.e. only the ones causing issues?
    Thank you

  • We are not supposed to have fungus, bugs, bacterias in our cell.
    It's like having tons of parasites inside us that we are used to have and lived with.
    And because of the habits we can sometimes think we can keep some for our own benefits, but they have their owns agenda and are not pet and cannot be trained to act the way we would really want it to.

    So the best is to be and have only us in our own primary cell. :)
  • Hi,
    1) If all fungal infections in the primary cell are cleared, would we lose an innate ability to connect energetically with other people? (emotionally, mentally, or pretending to be someone else for healing purposes, etc)

    Quite the opposite. If we eliminate them, we get instant and perfect connection to other humans and other forms of life within Gaïa : a shared consciousness.
  • Thank you. Just one specific thing: Would the connection work even if only the Silent Mind State is achieved or would it take all of the species to be cleared (and traumas that block connection to Gaia maybe) to achieve that and in the meantime we could be kind of disconnected? Thank you
  • Julien I understand that inside the cell we are not supposed to have certain bugs etc, but we do have beneficial bacteria in our guts, the microbiome, and we live in a symbiotic relationship with them.
    In our body in fact, life for us wouldn't be possible without them, I am just questioning in my first posts whether certain organisms are necessary for life itself as mammals and humans, and whether some discrimination and caution should be used, if we get immunity from all the bacteria in the primary cell wouldn't that mean death for our beneficial bacteria as well, immunity from all kinds of bacteria all over the body?

    (Or maybe not, it's just a guess, and I believe that is something obvious that has been considered in the research, but I don't know)

    Gaetan you said "The primary cell parasites interact with the consciousness of someone. You can kill gut parasites with antiobiotics, antifungals, etc...
    Trying to do that in the primary cell WILL create majors problems in one's consciousness, and WILL create majors issues like mental disorders, pain, unability to live normally, and even death."
    Although in a minor way the lack of certain kinds of beneficial bacteria or the overgrowth of certain bacteria or fungi in the digestive system does actually create psychological changes, anxiety, depression, physical illnesses, immunity issues, (and lots more, the investigation of the microbiome and its implications for life is in its infancy) so there seems to be a mirroring there and again that raises my question above

    Thank you

  • Hi Antonella,
    Well, it seems we need the parasites to "fill in the holes" in our damaged primary cell, but we won't need them if we can repair these holes. It is possible to have a perfect primary cell without any parasite, and so we are perfect beings on our own. No need for any 'symbiot'.

    Does this apply to the gut microbiome too ? I guess we don't know, although I'm sure has some ideas on it.
    However, why would Gaïa creates imperfect beings that need to rely on a symbiot to live ?

    For examples, many gut bacterias produce vitamins that we can use much better than those we eat, they kind of transform or generate them. However, if we had a much better assimilation of vitamins from food, then maybe we wouldn't need the bacterias ?

    I guess the only answer will come from direct observation of what happens when we get rid of the primary cell parasites. we KNOW for sure life is better without them, and all of them can be eliminated.

    In other terms, these symbiots 'helps' us, but the price to pay for it is really not worth it.
  • Thank you. Just one specific thing: Would the connection work even if only the Silent Mind State is achieved or would it take all of the species to be cleared (and traumas that block connection to Gaia maybe) to achieve that and in the meantime we could be kind of disconnected? Thank you
    We are looking for all parasites species elimination. This Silent Mind eliminates one fungal specie, which is nice, but is far from enough to restore a connection to Gaïa.

  • Thank you Gaetan for your replies. I guess we should be able to not be needing symbiots. It seems very complex. Holes in the primary cell like the holes in the body we feel in WHH?
    About the Silent Mind again, sorry since it's not very clear and I am thinking about doing it, in your experience and other people's just with the elimination of that fungal species would we lose the innate ability to connect energetically with other people until all the other issues blocking the connection to Gaia are cleared or would we maintain it? ( connecting emotionally, mentally, or pretending to be someone else for healing purposes, etc)
    Thank you again

  • Hello Antonella,
    Well I'm not sure about what you mean exactly.
    With the Silent Mind, you would lose the ability to connect with other humans based on cords (which are always negative), the tribal blocks (always negative) and curses...
    So, that kind of connection is not helpful, and generates lots of problems. For instance, the tribal block is one of the main mechanism that makes nation go to war.

    The only "useful" thing you can do is DPR, which heals cords. But without cords in the first place, ... there's no problem!

    So, with the Silent Mind, you would "feel" people less. But you only lose a negative layer. If you have energetic perception abilities, then you would probably access a deeper layer of consciousness, which is more interesting.
    For example, a shaman or psychic healer without Silent Mind would lose much time and efforts clearing the troubles from the borg... what a waste of time.

    Plus, if you have psychic perceptions, they are probably not based on the borg fungus, so you woudln't lose anything useful.

    In other words, parasites are like glasses : sure you can see the world through them. But it is actually better without the glasses (given you don't have seeing troubles).

    Now with "pretending to be someone else for healing purposes" do you mean surrogate healing ? If so, the less parasites you have, the better ! But it probably won't change much.

    I suggest you to work with one of our advanced therapists who could give you more detailed and customed advices for your situation.

  • Thank you that clears that up!
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