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I've been working with Dan Zeiss to try and stop smoking. We did the holes process and cleared those but it didn't work. Then found more around my head and cleared those. I didn't have the revulsion about cigarettes but the craving had gone. The following day the craving was back. So we looked for time loops and there were several so went to the outermost and cleared that.
Then there were more holes and cleared those but there was one that persisted and I couldn't clear it. I worked on it with BAT, WHH and generationals over a period of several days and eventually it went. There were time loops again and then remaining small fragments. All have been worked on. The desire for cigarettes seems to come and go. Over the last few days sometimes I have no craving at all, then sometimes I do!
The smoking does seem to be linked to being at home. I like sitting outside after work and then I have cravings especially if I'm stressed or if I'm talking to friends on the phone. I don't have any desire to smoke at work or away from home and don't have cravings. When I was away for a few days I didn't think about smoking at all.
I saw a dermatologist recently for some warts on my arm and she told me that the Human papillomavirus loves smoking and thrives in people who smoke. I wondered if this might be part of the problem. She says about 70% of people carry this virus.
Any suggestions?
We recently discovered that every hole has suffocation associated with it. Thus, we don't get the result we were expecting if this is not addressed. Testing on another client who also had poor results caused their smoking issue to go away once these suffocation issues were fully eliminated. I hope that helps. We'll be updating the therapist guidelines soon.
Mimi, thanks for sharing about the 'being overfed' and your change.
We recently discontinued our 'hole process' for smoking. We found that eventually (usually after many months) the person would start smoking again - even though they no longer had any painful symptoms to self medicate with smoking anymore. Instead, they described it as having an identity of 'being a smoker'. We finally realized, thanks to the help of some volunteers who smoked, was that we were seeing the effects of a pathogen. Of course, some people have other causes for wanting to smoke - body associations, copies, etc. - but this disease process appears to be by far the most common cause.
We are working on a treatment for that pathogen now. It turns out we'd seen it and cured it in a client back in 2001 - and I wrote about it in the Basic Whole-Hearted Healing Manual - but I had forgotten about it. Argh! In that case, the treatment was very individualized, as it was my first time. This summer we'll be working on a more 'generic' fix. I hope we'll have it ready to test this fall.