I have Lyme disease (in the past)? Y
If Y: Did LD go away/ gotten rid of? Y
If Y: Did it change form/ "disease"? N
Do I have the two other infections
said? Y
Are there others? N
HPU/KPU a major part/cause of the "LD symptoms"? YE/R major part/ cause of the "LD symptoms"? Y
Do I have HPU/KPU anymore? N
[Why Lyme healing failed?]
D have chronic Lyme? N (wanted to double-check)
Should it have worked for what I had? Y for what I have? Y
Generally, was failure particular to Lyme (vs. a failure/block to healing in general)? Y
Which listed factors necessary to its failure?
use D’s chart
brain inflammation
other brain problem not listed here
pineal gland has problems
gland not activated/ missing something YES
need ayahuasca first
gland has problems YES
pituitary gland not activated/ missing something YES
tribal block
interference/ sabotage YES (not sure if in PC or if candida)
bacterial interference/ sabotage
with chakra YES
problem with meridian (If Y: from hernia surgery? Y N )
scar problem
kpu/ not enough minerals/vitamins/etc.- related problem YES
physical interference
pre-natal developmental problem
developmental stage(s) missing
missing a necessary peak state
healing related/connected pre- or post-trauma(s) YES
earlier trauma(s) YES
later trauma, at birth
phenomena YES
symbiotic relationship
secondary gain
able to use as an excuse
psychological reversal
sabotage (from outside, like W’sC, “alien”, military, cult brain control, programming)
miasm (psora?)
similar to miasm, but more core central/ deeper/ more primal
heart wall
emotions/ trauma (perhaps too big to confront and/or survive) YES
panic/disorientation YES
“protection” against evil (block out evil, not let it in)
didn’t find right trauma
right trauma, but it wasn’t cleared YES
found right trauma, and cleared, but not for ancestors
another non-related “big issue”: 1.of the day; 2. “always there”
and power oppresses us completely/ overwhelms us/ “slave problem” YES
to regress well; can be healed: Y YES
imagination problems
problem seeing present condition in present time only
problem seeing
breathing problem
my personal trauma(s)
not enough vitamin YES
not enough mineral YES
shot (vaccine) interference
teeth: filling material interference
teeth: position
gum infection
other (known)
other (unknown to PSI)
When did LD become m-o-l inconsequential (date)? 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 =2017
Had ehrlichiosis/rickettsia started to leave before starting recent specific energy healing for them? YES
If Y: same time as LD? No
What % was the PS LD healing successful, at one point? (probably high, 70-99%) 84%
What % held? (probably low, 0-30%) 26%
When did HPU/KPU become m-o-l inconsequential? 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 =2017
Is it a structural problem6
Do I have a (second) gain to keep it not fully healed?
I did have all the subcellular psychology problems checked, and interestingly, nothing came up there.
I should check which of the problems is primary; perhaps some were secondary or too small on their own to stop it, but one or more stopped the healing.
I did see Grant's "eliminating pain completely" EFT write-up, and have considered if that would help with the trauma.
I'll ask about regression imagery on another thread.
A few more insights:
Is regression problem due mainly to: pituitary/ nutrients? Y N trauma? Y N
Was fungal interference/ sabotage from candida fungus? Y N
If Y: need to know which chakra? Y N
If Y: which chakra? 4, 5, 7, 1, 2, 3, 6
Was “unusual phenomena” a “stuck thought form”? Y N
Do I have a CoA that is detectable and can be pinpointed? Y N
Is my CoA usually 1st person, 2nd/3rd person, or other?
Where is my CoA usually: head, below belly button
At least some of my problems with regression were(/are) due to a problem with my pituitary gland and lacking nutrient(s) of some kind.
A candida fungus interfered with the peak state process succeeding; the 2nd chakra also interfered.While everyone might have a CoA, as with mine, they might not be able to feel/ detect it, as with me. CoA being seen as from outside, not felt in "me", might have something to do with it. This suggests it might be due to trauma.
The Epstein-Barr virus was another thing that inhibited success with 'LD healing'.
EBV also inhibits at the least most peak states from succeeding, at least for me. (I don't know if that is just personal or also for others.)
Well it is possible that diseases make peak states work more difficult, but I would bet it is because an other underlying condition in the primary cell which is also the cause for the disease.
For example, I have the Epstein-Barr virus but that does not stop me from making progress with peak states.
If you have worked on EBV directly, or as part of LD healing, and can share, how has it gone? This has been the worst/ most debilitating of all the chronic infections I've had (including imitating LD symptoms, which often imitate other diseases' symptoms).
Antonella, that is amazing. I've had lots of diseases that have healed, but it usually takes the typical rate of '1 month healing : 1 year of infection.' (I've had mixed results with BT, but it did help tremendously with a family member's problems once.)
Does anyone know if the Lyme Disease healing protocol also granted, or at least improved, immunity to other/ all viruses (and bacteria)?
In general, it seems that viruses are opportunistic and secondary to a bacterial infection, as in covid-19. But not always maybe...