A few experiences recently
My shoulder was injured about a year ago, likely cartilage torn, and pain has remained. EFT had not worked much at all with this pain.
“BB (body brain), what pain memory do you have experiences, connections, associations with in my right shoulder?”
and now the pain level is at 1/3 of what it had been steadily at, from injury until this healing.
“BB, what memories, experiences, connections, associations, do you have about having to hold your breath to survive; fear of suffocation; fear of drowning; fear of being attacked by unknowns and having to hold your breath to be safe?”
Breathing is at least a little better, though I’ll have to wait to see how much better.
In addition to sending love to the BB, I have found that this works very well for me:
“BB, release [the association, connection] and live longer (I'll try 'survive' next time), release and be safe.”