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OCD project and Social phobia
I was delighted to read about the progress being made for this and related diseases,
specifically to Social Phobia.
It was explained there are two fungal pathogens involved, the 'fear' and 'contamination' components.
Now for something like Social phobia, the fear fungus seems obviously at play, but I'm curious if that component alone, or another aswell is involved. Could the 'contamination' bug be perceived in a different way, perhaps? Instead of germs, etc, it has a damaged social identity context.. Ex. "I'm defective as a individual somehow. I can't let anyone close or they'll find out". The preoccupation in SP is one's perceived inferiority and faults always at risk of being exposed, along with extreme self consciousness , shame, and humilation. A negative spotlight.
So, I'm wondering if there has been research into this.
Thank you much!
I should clarify my query:
Is there implication of this cytoplasm fear fungus perhaps playing a role in the etiology of a
and SAD
disease process?