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Homeopathy? Parasites from somatids?

Going back to Lyme Disease and the black ink it releases, and how sepia (from cuttlefish ink) is used in homeopathy to heal Lyme Disease...

I was curious when I read that "brain bugs" "taste" like metal, and I thought about heavy metals and their link to autism. [Dr. Carley and others (like in the book Impossible Cure) use homeopathic medicine/ remedies to act on heavy metals, and autistic children return to a normal state, which many left after vaccinations that contained heavy metals (culprit heavy metal is aluminum, not mercury like many say).]

Has anyone seen a bug in an autistic person's PC, then seen the effect that homeopathic medicine has on it?  Does the bug shrink or "disappear" or anything?

This might not be the best tangent to go on, and not to take research off course, but I was wondering... 

And if a bug or its fluid could be captured, that might make a wonderful mother tincture. 

I know these parasites are real, but at the same time, I wonder how real they are, and if they are from outside, or from inside/ "manifested," like from somatids or Andrew Crosse's acari creatures.


  • Hello David,

    I don't know if any of us ever looked at the effect of homeopathy in real time of primary cell's structures. 
    I do know that Aneta Lesniewska is a great homeopath and uses it with success.

    Regarding autism, yes there is a link with heavy metals. But not only. We are looking at different approaches to solve the problem. 

    I think you will love the presentation of the next International Psycho-immunology & Psychobiology Research Symposium :

    There will be one on this exact topic. But not homeopathy, I'm afraid.

    We are looking at solutions that are not only curative, but also preventive, and the immunity should be passed down to children.

    And re parasites, they are real. Take Covid for instance. Or Lyme's spirochetes. Etc...
    We also have preliminary data on common cold (rhinovirus). Etc...

    That's actually a good news : now that we know what those things are, we can study them and find strategies to become immune to them. Which is what we are doing.

    And for Andrew Crosse, the likely explanation is he somehow became suddenly aware of a part of his primary cell or something like that.
  • Ah, I should have written more clearly about the parasites, but I tiredly posted in haste and forgot that this forum doesn't have "Edit", ha ha.  I meant the autism bugs/ "prions" (as most recently guessed what they most likely are), are they really real, not just a symbol or "manifestation"?  I'm guessing that the Institute's answer would be "yes, they all are."  So...

    When autism (or whatever problem the bug is causing) is healed, what happens to the bugs--do they leave the primary cell (and then what?), just vanish (as if they never existed in the timeline), or shrink smaller and smaller until they vanish/ seem to vanish, or turn into something else?  What happens to the spirochetes of Lyme Disease when it is healed, or other parasites? 

    Other scientists replicated Crosse's experiments with success (like here: ).  I guess I'm just wondering if the somatid is a key to all parasites, or just some? ( ) They might be the foundation of Bechamp's theories and experiments. Is energetic field transmission from parasite occurring, and being received by nearby person's somatids; rather than physical transmission happening?  Is borg fungus communication easy because of this?  (On the latent viruses and Covid thread, that was the meaning of disproving, at least to some extent, Bechamp/ somatid involvement.) 

    Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree... ?
  • Hi David,
    When we heal a pathogen or a toxin, it gets eliminated from the primary cell, and then from the whole body. And pretty quickly ! We have seen symptoms of Covid disappear in an hour for example, as if the person was never infected in the first place. The body is just very powerful in healing itself, given the traumas holding the damages are healed.
    So with Lyme as with bugs, the problem is quickly destroyed. It seems that prions are susceptible to ATP or oxygen, and there is plenty in our cells. It is not hard for the body to destroy them.

    Now, unfortunately, parasites are the real deal, they are physical. You could touch them if you were small enough. Actually that is sort of what we do with the primary cell state. 
    From the book, Vol.2, "all psychological and spiritual manifestations have a physical counterpart in the primary cell". So far we have not seen a counter proof to this. Kundalini, chakras & meridians, "angels", and many things, are actually physically present in the primary cell. 

    Again, no idea about Crosse's thing. Maybe you could replicate the experiment yourself and check if there is a connection ? Of course, you run the risk of becoming crazy or harming yourself. I wouldn't do it. Peak States research is already dangerous enough !
  • "all psychological and spiritual manifestations have a physical counterpart in the primary cell" What about spirits that have been dead a long time as in the post forum here? It may be an exception? Thank you
  • Oh in some case there is an organelle that is a 'spiritual gateway' to another realm.
    For example, the 'oversoul network' looks like a web with nodes, and each nodes contain a past live, so each node is a gateway.
    There is a disk that is in itself a gateway into a greater access to the consciousness of humanity, another organelle correspond to the earth and helps us feel what going on at the global level. And so on.
  • wow, so interesting and so many questions...
    when you say there is an organelle that corresponds to the Earth what do you mean? Is it one of the brains? And does that help with Gaia connection?
    May there be an organelle that is a gateway to disembodied spirits or just the memory of these spirits?  I mean the CoA material has the property of consciousness, but the million dollar question is:
    is the substance (or substances) the material manifestation of consciousness (consciousness that lives beyond death as shown in people that talk to the people long dead or in regression not to past lives but to the life between lives like in the regression of Michael Newton) or is that consciousness itself and it dies with the body?
    Or does the consciousness have a somewhat finer material counterpart made of quantum particles that lives on? 

    Thank you!
  • The earth organelle is a small sphere in the primary cell. Most people's awareness of it are blocked by traumas, unfortunately.

    It is not related to Gaïa connection, but it sort of give an awareness of what happens globally. When people who can focus in it feel into it, they notice the suffocation that Covid gives to a large population of humans. Hence why it became a central project for us.

    Gaïa connection is a fundamental state, much more profound as it changes our whole way of being ourself.

    And the million dollar question, I'm afraid I don't have the answer haha. Maybe Grant does have an opinion on it. But he doesn't get on the forum these days I'm afraid.
  • If this organelle connects you to humanity couldn't the people who can work with it use it to spread new treatments like the Covid treatment to humanity at a whole or is it not how this organelle works or maybe the treatments need to be tailored to each individual's three types of trauma?
  • The earth organelle allows to watch / sense things, it does not give the power to intervene. 
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