Epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, and subcellular psychobiology

Grant McFetridge photo
If you are involved in the health field, you can quickly become overloaded by all the choices and techniques out there, be you a layperson, therapist, biologist, or physician. Every year there is more information, new diets, drugs, techniques, better technologies - the list is endless. Yet these approaches are not fundamentally new, but are rather incremental advances or combinations of existing ideas, concepts, and technologies. Only rarely over the course of a lifetime does a new idea or way of doing things fundamentally change our lives, or how problems are understood and solved. When something like this comes along, we call it a 'disruptive technology' (like the iPhone) or a 'paradigm shift' (like the idea that the earth goes around the sun) - they redefine how people work, live, or solve problems.
The as yet little-known development of subcellular psychobiology is just such an example of both a paradigm shift and a disruptive technology. This means it will fundamentally change how medicine and psychology are done, in totally new and unexpected ways. But why? And how?

A paradigm shift
Let's look at the paradigm part first. The core of this is the 'primary cell' concept, where just a single cell in the body sets the pattern (and contains consciousness) for the entire organism. In particular, knowledge of the primary cell allows biologists to discover the causes of diseases of 'unknown etiology' - ones that have never been understood before, let alone treated. For example, virtually all drug companies have given up doing any research in mental illness, simply because the've spent fortunes on it without any results. Yet, using our simple primary cell model, we were able to track the symptom of schizophrenic voices back to the fungus that causes them. Not only is this example a radically important discovery - this heartbreaking disease affects about 1% of the world's population - but existing medical models simply cannot be used to understand this problem.

This new paradigm applies to a lot of different aspects of life, not just diseases. By analogy, the health field is like a super-saturated solution, with observations about spirituality, psychology, medicine, and exceptional states of consciousness floating around in a confusing jumble. The primary cell model puts them all together into one, underlying unified theory, allowing phenomena to be understood as part of a cohesive whole for the first time. As in that supersaturated solution, it is the sharp knock that causes a beautiful crystal to suddenly form.

Psychoneuroimmunology and the primary cell
Back in the 1970s, physicians were starting to realize that the placebo effect actually cured many diseases about a third of the time; and that emotions and stress can help or worsen people's health. By the 1980s, many professionals were working hard to find psychological techniques that could be used to cure disease or other health problems. This idea of 'psychoneuroimmunology' was attracting a lot of attention, and researchers were able to show a connection between disease and mental states, along with some ideas of how this was happening biologically. But unfortunately, these noble efforts were a failure; no useful breakthroughs came from this work.

So, what we really want is to solve the psycheuroimmunology problem - to find a way to use psychological techniques to reliably affect the body's biology. But instead of being a neurological technique, the real answer turned out to be inside the primary cell - and no one even imagined this possibility. All current models are based on the idea that the brain is primary, just as if the earth were at the center of the solar system - when in fact a single ignored cell is actually at the center and the body is around it!

Epigenetic repair with psychological techniques
Fast forward to the last decade with the discovery of epigenetics. Simply put, inherited information is passed down family lines not only through genes, but through inherited proteins that inhibit gene expression. Currently, this area is one of the hottest fields of biology, because it is now clear that epigenetic damage is the root of many, many diseases and disorders.

So, how does all this relate to subcellular psychobiology? Well, once you realize there is a primary cell that has your awareness in it, you can put this together to design psychological techniques that actually interact directly with the inside of the primary cell. And when you recognize that epigenetic damage is experienced psychologically as generational trauma, new or existing techniques can be used to repair the inhibited genes without chemical intervention. When you add the fact that key moments in development trigger specific genes, you can easily develop processes that target and heal specific epigenetic damage.

It turns out that epigenetic damage is just the tip of the iceberg - the same underling gene expression problem is the basis for a number of different kinds of damage in the cell and in the person's psychology.

Integrating subcellular biology with psychology
With the advent of subcellular psychobiology, we can anticipate huge changes in both the fields of biology and psychology. For example, in the future psychologists and psychiatrists would be expected to study their own primary cells as an aid to their research work. But even more importantly to biologists, once the primary cell concept is understood - it is like a undifferentiated stem cell - entirely new approaches to medicine become possible. Again, it is like suddenly seeing that the earth goes around the sun, not the other way around. Confusion and complexity just vanishes.

On a practical level, existing psychological techniques that worked empirically at least part of the time, but without an understanding of the underlying subcellular biology they were attempting to interact with, can now be modified to become more effective and efficient. More importantly, applying these new models allows us to develop techniques that are completely new, and in fact could never even been imagined. As just one example, our fast, simple treatment for eliminating addictive cravings and withdrawal uses our 'Body Association Technique'. Yet it is impossible to understand why this technique would even work without an understanding of ribosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum that it interacts with.

From the desk of the research director,
Dr. Grant McFetridge
Hornby Island, Canada
May 4, 2016

