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June 23, 2014

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Below are definitions for standard psychological, biological, and subcellular concepts, including a few from shamanic or spiritual traditions that are relevant to subcellular phenomena. Some have been coined by us to describe phenomena we've encountered in regression.

Associational trauma:
Two or more feelings or sensations that are coupled together during a moment of trauma. (As in Pavlov's dog associating the sound of a bell with the taste of food.)

Apex phenomenon:
Coined by Dr. Callahan, it refers to the common occurrence after an issue is eliminated by a therapy, the client tries to explain the change by something they know, such as being distracted, even though the explanation clearly doesn't fit. The definition has been extended to include the phenomenon of the client forgetting (to the point of disbelief) that the healed issue was ever a problem for them.

Applied kinesiology:
Also commonly called muscle testing. Developed for chiropractic, uses changing muscle strength to test for various problems and sensitivities to toxins. It mistakenly assumes the body isn't self aware with it's own agenda. It uses the same mechanism that is used in dowsing.

Beauty Way state:
Gives a sense of continuous peace, aliveness, instinctive knowledge of spiritual truths, and a sense that physical things are essentially beautiful. Also called the 'aliveness' state by some authors.

Biographical trauma:
A traumatic experience during one's lifetime; this includes both egg and sperm trauma.

The reptilian brain, at the base of the skull. It thinks in gestalt body sensations (called the 'felt sense' in Focusing). Experiences itself in the lower belly. Known as the hara in Japanese. Moves the OBE awareness around. Is the brain that we communicate when doing dowsing or muscle testing.

Body association:
The body brain makes non-logical associations during traumas that then direct its actions later in life. For example, this is the basis of 'Pavlov's dog' connection a bell sound with food. See associational trauma.

Refers to different portions of the brain that have separate self-awareness: the mind (primate ), heart (mammalian), and body (reptilian) of the triune brain model. Their awarenesses are extensions of the organelles' inside the primary cell, which in turn are extensions of the sacred being blocks. Also refers to the extended triune brain model: crown, mind, throat, heart, solar plexus, body, and perineum.

Brain shutdown:
A dysfunctional state where a triune brain awareness shuts its consciousness off. This results in the loss of the particular ability of the triune brain (like judgement for the mind, emotions for the heart, and so on.)

Using hyperventilation for extended periods of time to facilitate healing. A variety of processes exist.

BSFF (Be Set Free Fast):
Invented by Larry Nims, it is a spinoff of TFT involving only 3 meridian points. It is also important for the variation called Instant BSFF, where the process is programmed internally to occur at a cue word; and because of his approach for healing traumas that cause psychological reversal.

Energy centers associated with different areas of the body. They 'look' like white or colored balls or sailing ship steering wheels. During fusion of the brains they merge into one white disk near the center of the body.

Cellular memories:
Memories of the sperm, egg, and zygote. Includes sensations, feelings, and thoughts. Also applied in the literature to memories of the body consciousness alone.

CoA (Center of Awareness):
Using a finger, you can find your center of awareness by pointing at where 'you' are in your body. Can be at a particular point, slit into multiple places, diffuse, or both internal and external to the body.

The precellular organelles combine to form a primordial germ cell at the coalescence stage. This occurs inside the parent who is still a blastocyst inside the grandmother.

COEX (Condensed Experience):
Coined by Dr. Stanislav Grof, it describes the phenomenon in regression where similar feeling traumas are activated together and inter-relate. An equivalent to the concept of a 'trauma string' where traumas with the same feeling tone connect through time. See 'trauma string'.

A duplicate of someone else's painful feelings or sensations in your own body. Copies are caused by a bacterial species that lives in the cytoplasm.

It describes a dysfunctional connection between two people who have complementary traumas. Cords give one the sensation that others have a 'personality' (emotional tone) when one things about them. They can be 'seen' as hollow tubes between people.

CPL (Calm, peace, lightness):
The endpoint to healing a trauma, caused when the client goes into a peak state, usually temporarily.

Crown brain:
The prefrontal lobes in the brain. Normally its awareness is fused with the mind brain's. It corresponds to the outer cell membrane in the cell. When fully healed, experientially it feels like a huge, massive statue of Buddha located above the head.

Crown brain structures:
They 'look' like cables or containers internal or external to the body, often appearing like the movie idea of an alien implant. They are actually found in the cytoplasm of the cell. Created by the crown brain because of trauma. They often cause physical pain.

Developmental events model:
This model explains the presence of absence of peak sates, experiences, and abilities due to pre-birth trauma. This model also a applies to mental and physical diseases.

Using pendulum or rod to communicate with the body consciousness. It uses the same underlying body mechanism as in muscle testing or applied kinesiology.

DPR (Distant Personality Release):
An Institute for the Study of Peak States technique that eliminates transference and counter-transference between people by dissolving structures called 'cords'. It is explained in The Basic Whole-Hearted Healing Manual.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique):
A therapy that uses tapping on meridian points to eliminate emotional and physical discomfort. Classified as a power therapy, in the subcategory of an 'energy' or 'meridian' therapy.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing):
A regression trauma healing therapy involving the repeated movement of attention from left to right, either with the eye or by touching the body on alternating sides (a "patty cake" motion). This is currently the most researched trauma therapy.

Epigenetic damage:
The inherited problem of a gene not working properly ('inhibited gene expression') even though there is nothing wrong with the gene's DNA. Psychologically, this is experienced as generational trauma.

ER (Endoplasmic reticulum):
A folded membrane subcellular structure attached to the nucleus in the cell cytoplasm. Rough ER has pores with ribosomes embedded in them; smooth ER does not. This organelle is part of the body brain consciousness.

Eukaryotic cell:
A cell that contains a nucleus and other organelles. All multi-celled organisms are made of eukaryotic cells.

Extended Triune Brain Model:
Based on the Papez-MacLean triune brain model, it describes a nine-part structure to the brain. These parts are commonly called the perineum, body, placenta, solar plexus, heart, spine, mind, and Buddha brains.

Invented by Dr. Eugene Gendlin, involves becoming aware of the body consciousness communicating (the 'felt sense') to release held traumatic material.

The most connected that two or more brain awarenesses can get. When fused, they become one awareness without any separate identity remaining. When all the brains fuse, their awareness can be seen to 'look' like a golden ball just below navel, and the body feels 'hollow'. Probable origin of the concept of the 'philosopher's stone' in medieval alchemy. Before fusion, the alchemical drawings show the Buddha brain as the crown, the mind as the man, the heart as the woman, and the body as the throne. 'Merged' brain awarenesses are not as connected.

The biological consciousness of the planet earth. In a certain state of consciousness, it looks externally like the flattened side of huge ball or building, with vertical and horizontal line structures on it. Our species occupies one band of the structure.

Gaia commands:
Developmental events can be broken down into biological steps, with each step being described by a short phrase (eg. "release"). During regression, these phrases are experienced as commands sent from some external source we label 'Gaia', the living self-aware biosphere of our planet. These commands are 'real time', in other words adapt to the situation of the organism at the time of the developmental event. Also called Gaia instructions, Gaia phrases, Gaia messages, etc.

Gateway structures:
Some subcellular structures act as 'gateways' to past, shamanic, or spiritual experiences. The best-known gateways are found in ribosomes on mRNA strings that act as gateways to past traumatic moments in the past.

Gene expression:
When a protein is needed in the cell, a gene is moved out of storage in the nucleolus and a messenger RNA copy made. This mRNA string is then sent into the cytoplasm to be 'read' by a ribosome and a protein made.

Generational trauma:
Problems or beliefs passed down through the family line. They cause emotions that feel very 'personal', as if something is wrong with one's essential nature. They can be eliminated with various trauma techniques. See epigenetic damage.

The limbic system, or old mammalian brain. It thinks in sequences of emotions, and experiences itself in the center of the chest.

Any of a group of proteins found in chromatin. In the context of inhibited gene expression, we focus on the histone type that covers a DNA gene, looking like plastic insulation on a wire.

In an unusual state of consciousness, people can 'see' what looks like black holes in the body, that feel like infinitely deep deficient emptiness. They are brought into awareness during some therapies. They are caused by physical damage to the body.

Hollow state:
The body feels like a "hollow reed" or "empty tin can" when all of the triune brain consciousnesses fuse together.

Inner Peace state:
The state gives a sense of continuous inner peace. It also makes all past emotional traumas no longer emotionally painful when they are recalled. It is a Beauty Way substate.

ISPS (Institute for the Study of Peak States):
An abbreviated form for the full name of the Institute.

Characterized by the sensation of a small area of heat (about an inch in diameter) that moves slowly up the spine. This can go on for months and in some cases years. Kundalini stimulates traumas and other unusual spiritual experiences, creating severe problems for most people.

Two or more people sharing sensations, emotions, senses and memories. It occurs when two (or more) people's brainwaves synchronize. This can be dangerous if 'soul stealing' occurs.

Merging of brains:
The awarenesses of the biological brains can come together in various combinations. Fusion is a more extreme experience of merging. It is shown pictorially on a Perry diagram.

Energy channels that wind through the body. Used in therapies such as acupuncture and EFT. Found as physical structures in the primary cell.

The neocortex, or primate brain. It thinks in thoughts and experiences itself in the head.

Each cell has hundreds of small organelles in the cytoplasm that look a bit like hot dog buns. They create the chemical ATP that the cell uses to 'breathe'. These organelles are part of the solar plexus brain awareness. Damage to these organelles results in the sensation of being dizzy.

mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid):
It is an RNA copy of a nuclear DNA gene that is then sent into the cytoplasm. The mRNA string contains the information needed for a ribosome to make a specific protein.

Muscle testing:
Communicating with the body consciousness by using muscle strength as an indicator. Same mechanism as applied kinesiology, and the terms are sometimes used interchangeably.

Nuclear pore:
Openings in the nuclear membrane that have spinsters in them that resemble camera irises. There are 4,000 to 5,000 pores in the primary cell nucleus.

OBE - Out of Body Experience:
An experience where you feel like you are located outside (or inside) your physical body and seeing without using your eyes. This phenomena is most easily noticed in trauma where memories are 'seen' from an OBE perspective.

The different types of structures inside a cell that act like various 'organs'. These are the result of combinations of bacteria in the remote past (the 'endosymbiosis theory').

Organelle brains:
The self-aware organelles in the sperm, egg or zygote. They share consciousness with the corresponding multicelled triune brains.

Past lives:
Encountered in some therapies, the experience of having lived in the past or the future with a different body and personality. This is a different phenomenon from ancestral memories.

Peak experience:
A short-lived, unusually good feeling that enhances functionality in the world.

Peak state:
A stable, long lasting peak experience. They give sensations and abilities that cannot be experienced in average consciousness. One of about 30 major states of consciousness that gives experiences and abilities that cannot be experienced in average consciousness. Felt as vast improvement to the average state. Can be had in combination and to various degrees. A number of substates exist also.

Perry diagram:
A diagram using circles to indicate the degree of connection or merging of the triune brain awarenesses.

This is what others sense about a person when they turn their attention to him. Rather than being a mental construct in the observer, it is a real-time experience of particular traumas in the person being observed.

Power therapy:
Phrase coined by Dr. Figley who also originated the phrase 'post traumatic stress disorder' (PTSD). It applies to extremely effective therapies (originally EMDR, TIR, TFT, and VKD) that remove symptoms from PTSD and other issues.

Precellular organelles:
The self-aware organelles before they combine to form a primordial germ cell. The different kinds are identified by either their biological name in the cell (e.g., lysosome, nuclear wall, etc.), or by the triune brain that they share a continuity of awareness with (e.g., body, heart, etc.).

Precellular trauma:
Trauma that happens to the precellular organelles.

Primary cell:
The only cell in the body that contains consciousness, that which directs the rest of the entire organism. It acts as the master pattern for all other cells. Formed at the forth cell division after conception.

Primordial germ cell (PGC):
The original cell that eventually matures into a sperm or egg. It is formed at coalescence inside the parent, who is still a blastocyst inside the grandmother.

Psychological reversal:
The individual has a counter commitment at the body consciousness level to healing or peak performance. In energy therapies, healing is blocked unless treated. In WHH, it causes the client not to want to heal, but does not block the healing directly. Usually caused by a different trauma blocking the healing (eg., "if I heal this fear, I won't be on guard for danger").

The person has lost contact with external reality. Many very different and unrelated problems are labelled by this word.

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder):
This is the standard name for severe, long-lasting reactions to traumatic events.

Regenerative healing:
A particular type of physical healing occurring in just minutes. Range of healing includes injuries that cannot normally heal, such as scars, cut spines, etc. We formerly called it 'Radical Physical Healing'.

Realm of the Shaman:
Home of the sacred selves; the environment 'looks' like fluorescent black velvet. A state that shamans enter in order to have unusual abilities and perceptions. See Tom Brown Junior's The Vision for more description.

Found in large numbers floating in the cell cytoplasm, they look a bit like crumpled-up bags. Made of ribosomal DNA and proteins, they manufacture proteins based on information from mRNA strings.

Rule of three:
This rule of thumb when treating trauma says the therapist should repeat a successful healing session two more times to heal any missed or surpassed trauma that can cause the client's problem to return (to some degree). Typically done a few days after the first round is finished, then a week or two after the second round.

Sacred beings:
Each of the triune brains has a tiny counterpart in the nucleolus that looks roughly like totem pole figures or pagodas. They contain the self-awarenesses of the truce brain system.

Typically called the conscious self, it is who we think we are. It is made up of two separate parts: one is the CoA (observing) self; the other is the directing self which controls our moment-to-moment activities.

Self identity:
Each of the biological brains pretends it's someone or something else. This need to pretend is driven by a subtle pain in the brain's core.

Sensate Substitute:
This describes something that the body consciousness acquires because the substitute feels similar to something else that the body once needed for its survival.

Skin boundary:
A layer right at skin level that gives us the sensation of having skin, and that keeps our awareness confined to our bodies. It can be experienced as burning or painful at the skin level.

Shamanic states:
States that are valued in shamanism. They typically involve the body or a connection to Gaia (the planetary consciousness or 'life').

Soul loss:
A phrase used in shamanism describing pieces of self-awareness that have left the person. This typically leaves the person feeling lonely, sad, and missing the person or place where the traumatic experience occurred that caused this problem. Well described in Sandra Ingerman's Soul Retrieval.

We define it as the same as the observing (CoA) self.

Spiritual emergency:
An experience from various spiritual, mystical or shamanic traditions that becomes a crisis. This is not the same as a crisis of faith.

Spiritual states:
We use this label to identify peak states that involve the observing (CoA) self. These states involve phenomena that are generally experienced as being outside of the body, such as the Creator, the Void, etc.

Stable state:
A peak state that is retained without any maintenance, but not necessarily continuously.

Subcellular psychobiology:
Many psychological (and physical) symptoms are directly caused by various biological disorders or diseases inside the cell. The effects of these problems range from various types of trauma to mental illnesses such as schizophrenic voices. Subcellular problems are treated with various psychological-like techniques that directly interact with subcellular structures; or with trauma-healing techniques that repair early developmental damage that directly or indirectly caused subsequent subcellular issues.

The awarenesses (and actions) of the individual triune brains. With a certain peak states one can communicate directly with the triune brains (i.e., the subconscious).

SUDS (Subjective units of distress scale):
Used to evaluate the degree of pain in trauma. Originally from a scale of 1 to 10, common usage is now from 0 (no pain) to 10 (as much pain as it's possible to have).

TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique):
Invented by Tapas Fleming originally to heal allergies, also works on trauma and other issues. It is effective for generational trauma.

TFT (Thought Field Therapy):
The original tapping on meridians therapy developed by Dr. Roger Callihan. He also discovered 'psychological reversal' and a way to temporarily turn it off, which is part of the technique.

TIR (Traumatic Incident Reduction):
A power therapy that uses regression.

Transpersonal biology model:
The model says that the origin of transpersonal experiences are accessed structures in the primary cell and/or triggered prenatal developmental event experiences. A dual viewpoint is often encountered: the person may only notice the transpersonal experience but not the physical structure that corresponds to it, or visa versa.

A moment in time, or string of moments when sensations, emotions, and thoughts are stored from painful, difficult, or pleasurable experiences. They cause problems because they make fixed beliefs that guide behavior inappropriately. Severe trauma creates post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Trauma string:
Trauma experiences of a particular emotional tone connect to earlier traumas that have the same emotional tone. Healing the original trauma dissolves all later traumas in the sequence. Usually called a string of traumas (sometimes a stack) because they are caused by stuck ribosomes on an mRNA string. See inhibited gene expression.

Tribal block:
The influence of culture in people. It also uses cultural conflicts and hostility between members of different cultures. Caused by a fungus.

Refers to looking for trauma in the past without first finding a symptom in the present.

Triune brain:
The brain is built out of three separate biological brains, formed through evolution. They are the R-complex (body), the limbic system (heart), and the neocortex (mind). Each is self aware, built for different functions, and thinks by sensations, feelings, or thoughts respectively. The full name is the 'Papez-MacLean triune brain model'. They generate the phenomenon of the subconscious. With a certain peak state they can be communicated with directly.

Triune brain shutdown:
The triune brains are able to partially or completely turn themselves 'off'. When this happens, the person loses the abilities that the particular triune brain gave them, such as the heart's ability to experience others as more than just objects, the mind's ability to form judgments, etc. Samadhi is an example of a brain shutdown state.

Underlying Happiness state:
Characterized by continuous underlying happiness in men, and happiness and loving feeling in women. The state is caused by body heart fusion.

Unstable state:
A peak state that will stop if not actively maintained.

Also called the Tao or Nothingness. It is outside of everything that exists, including the Creator. One can go there and merge consciousness with it permanently. It also has its own awareness.

WHH (Whole Hearted Healing regression):
A regression technique for healing trauma. It works by reversing the OBE experience during traumatic moments.

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Revision History
1.2 June 23, 2007: Changed search from PicoSearch to FreeFind.
1.1 March 30, 2007
