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Whole-Hearted Healing® Practice Quiz
Dec 6, 1999
This quiz covers some of the material in our website as well as some material taught at our Whole-Hearted Healing workshop. The questions are sometimes written from a therapist's viewpoint, but also apply to people using these processes on their own. We've put them on the web to aid people who are doing self study. It's also a good chance to see how much you already know. Enjoy!
- What are the characteristics of a completely healed womb memory? How do they differ from a completely healed trauma that occurs after birth?
- When you are in a conflict or problem with someone else, how to you tell if it’s one of your trauma’s being activated?
- What do you do if a past life memory comes up while healing?
- What do you do if the trauma won’t heal? List between 4 and 39 things.
- What are the 2 types of unusual problems that won’t heal with just the standard WHH technique (the 8 step version)?
- Will your clients be grateful for the healing work you have done with them? Why or why not?
- As a therapist, what are the most important things you need to do with a client before starting the healing process?
- Is the phenomenon of ‘shock’ a problem with WHH?
- What type of therapy is WHH? What classification does it have, i.e. energy, meridian, etc?
- Can your client or yourself get into trouble using WHH?
- When is the best time for a client to heal using WHH, i.e. when they're are feeling really good, or when they’re feeling really bad?
- What are the 2 different reasons during a healing session that a client may describe that they feel a lack or something missing, and what do you do about it?
- If a memory has pleasant feelings, is this a trauma that also needs to be healed?
- Is depression a symptom of trauma?
- How many biological brains do you have?
- If you have a trauma that is similar to your client’s, will they be unable to heal with WHH while working with you?
- What are two ways people can harm or block each other from healing, but at a distance? What do you do about it?
- What does feeling of heat often mean during a healing session?
- When is it unnecessary to isolate the phrase and emotion and the body sensation in order to heal during a session, and why? (This is not in the notes.)
- Do you always need a phrase with WHH?
- What indicators and tests do you use to verify when a trauma is healed?
- Do you always need an image with WHH?
- If you heal a trauma completely, and the clients presenting problem goes away, does this mean you have gotten to the core trauma in the trauma sequence?
- What is a very simple way to help your client heal while they’re in the trauma?
- If the client is doing WHH correctly, what is still the main mistake that clients still make?
- Can you expect the client to feel worse or better while you are doing WHH than the level of pain they had when they came in?
- Name a trauma mechanism that causes people to get diseases (for example, sore throats).
- What can be a mistake made when healing holes? (This is not in the notes.)
- What is a simple way to get an image when working with physical injury?
- If your client doesn’t heal in during the session, what does it mean? (3 possible reasons).
- Is the trauma ‘stack’ made up of similar memories or of similar emotions?
- What is the one exception to the principle of wanting to skip memories to get the earliest one?
- When might you use the no-breath technique?
- Why does normal therapy involving remembering trauma not help the client?
- If the client sees an old photo image or made up memory when they regress, do you run it or try to get a real memory?
- If the client sees some kind of dark looking kind of structure in their body, or what they describe as a wire or a bottle inside themselves, what do you think it is, how do you verify your guess, and how do you fix it (2 different problems)?
- Are holes in people common or uncommon?
- One of the implications of the WHH process is that blind people have visual images of trauma. Has this been found to be true?
- Do you have to heal the correct trauma first before you can get a soul piece back?
- What alternatives do you have if the client won’t sing a song?
- If, during a healing, the client describes a cloud coming out of their bodies, what does this mean and what do you do?
- If, during a healing, the client describes seeing their own body walking away from them while they’re still in their body in the trauma in the past, what does this mean and what do you do?
- What do you do for a generational trauma?
- For some clients, where do they feel the generational trauma comes from (a physical direction)?
- If the fetus hears their mom or someone else say something during a physical trauma, is this a problem? How about a loud noise?
- What is the presenting symptom that we suspect often hides the ability to open and use the heart?
Questions about WHH and other therapies: - Can you use EFT and WHH simultaneously?
- When is it appropriate to use a mixture of EFT and WHH with a client? Or just EFT?
- When is it not appropriate to use EFT or energy therapy with a client?
- When is it especially useful to use the TIR ‘viewing’ of a traumatic sequence? (2 examples)?
- Can TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique) be permanent? Or is it reversible? How about EFT?
- Is the loving yourself process (as taught by Gay Hendricks) healing by itself? (i.e., if you client’s pain went away when you had them do it, is their problem healed?)
- What is the key piece that helps the healing that is contained in the loving yourself technique (i.e. more fundamental than the 'loving' part)?
- Is muscle testing reliable for trauma work? Why or why not?
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Revision History:
Dec 6, 1999. First draft.