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  • Hi Julien, I know this is an old post, but i tend to check the forum just every now and then. Thats a really useful and insightful post you made regarding your experience of ADHD and various healing methods/symptoms. I was diagnosed a number of years ago, mainly with the non hyperactive version. I was always curious as to…
  • Curious about the image streaming, Julien. Its something i became aware of a number of years ago. I think its in the first peak states book? But i never committed to the practice . Is it something you have tried or experienced?
  • Hi, Im revisiting this thread after soooooo long i know! I come back to the forum only once in a while. Thanks for ever bodies inputs. I actually had the columm of self repaired a number of years ago by a peakstates therapist. I've just re read my initial opening thread and tried to connect with what i was actually seeking…
  • Thank you for taking the time to reply! Some food for thought there. Whats the difference between increasing resistance to the state and perhaps the flattened emotions problem. Could repeatedly trying to access the moment cause the flattened emotions problem? Secondly ( and im going to open a different thread on this) in…
  • Just re-reading your reply to this old thread gaetan. When you say can you feel the old experience in your body, is this a requirement? How much of the old memory does one have to experience ? What are the mechanisms for one not to feel the experience?
  • yes Gaetan, it was part of the state. Im not sure if it was beyond average, but because id lacked it for so long it felt amazing! Its hard to explain, it was like if you asked me what i said in a conversation, i could visualise the part in the conversation and i could remember all the details. Im vaguely familiar with…
  • Hi there, thanks for the insight. Some good information to think about. The phrase "relevance /interpretation", i think was a poor choice of words. Wondering how this part might fit into the model. I guess its a triune brain type thing. I think i was wondering if a particular triune brain could be resisting the state. And…
  • Thankyou, that makes sense.
  • Note to self and anybody else that might be interested or have comments. During some healing/meditation concerning this state , i realised there is a strong part of me that is "seeking". I think it is my mind brain. It was searching for an answer to this problem before the state. When i got my state part of me was thinking…
  • Thanks, I used to use this method. But fell out of practise. Im waiting for a friend to send me a copy as i have lost mine. Regards Rob
  • Hi Julien, Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Yes that does clarify things, and its reassuring to hear. As i say, i'm not great at the visuals so i never really got anywhere with the whh method, and i was never sure if i got to the original trauma. Likewise with the generational, i as taught to fall back into…
  • Hi there, I've just realised that i've renewed my interest in getting this state back. Even if i cant get the whole state back i'm going to try and recover aspects. I don't really have funds for a therapist right now but i'm trying to clear generationals that might be blocking it. Having a visual memory is super important…
  • sorry, i got an error msg and posted twice in error!
  • I was actually inspired by this guy before i achieved a peak state. Even now when i cant heal myself i just try to focus on loving the thing i am focusing on.
  • Well..... I came back to the forum to ask the same question, and realised that i already asked but forgot about it. Thats how sucky my memory is sometimes. I seem to be have a want it /don't want it approach to getting this state back. When i think about it , my life would be imeasurably better if i had this state back.…
  • How did you get on with the brain repair process? Any improvments in the symptoms you listed?
  • Wow, Thank you for the comprehensive review . Im out of touch with "healing" stuff but i visit here now and then to check up. Sounds very interesting.
  • Hi there, im revisiting this forum/peakstates after a long time away. I saw this post which sparked my interest. This is something that i never fully understood or comprehended. Now i did use the old technique a good five or six years agao. The technique from volume one. I used it rather unskillfully , ie i listened to the…
  • Thanks for the reply. Yeah, i have worked with nemi and others quite a few times, but admitedly im probably not the best client. I have a tendency to ask for help and then back off or fail to complete things. Im not sure why. I wanted to understand what was going on when i was using that technique. Did i heal it or did i…
  • Thanks for taking the time to reply. Are there any strategies to get to cpl about all options? Or how to increase connection with Gaia? When people refer to trusting their "intuition" are they really talking about their connection to Gaia?
  • Thanks for taking the time to reply! I will be giving this technique a try again this weekend. Part of my problem is remaining motivated to use the techniques! Rob
  • Hi Sven, Im returning to using these techniques after a long time away from them, i was just about to ask a question about some of the techniques, especially the projection exercise. I was wondering what your personal experience of them are? I was wondering how long it takes to clear a particular person. Also, secondly, im…
  • As i re-read this thread i realise there were some great comments here. I was wondering if there are some practical techniques for people who do not have the ability to see the optimum path, to feel it or sense it. Or in other words what can a lay person do to actively encourage making optimum life choices?
  • Hi, I also have a similar problem so i know how that feels. A couple of things i have found useful is sometimes not to try so hard. Often when trying to heal something i am trying to evoke something in me and the trying gets in the way. Sometimes i find it useful to work with whatever i have. Sometimes myself personally…
  • Some great thoughts there. I have a few questions too. 1) What does being on the optimum life path feel like?2) Does being on ones optimum life path mean one has a "good life" , fulfilling career, good relationships etc?3) If the path is deemed optimal with regard to gaia putting us on the path towards healing, does that…
  • Great question! Im just a layman who is interested in this work. Hope someone answers this question for you. I have SO many questions. The philosophical questions are crucial. This work and theory challenges many widely held assumptions.
  • Hello jeff, I can sympathise with your symptoms. I have been experiencing similar symptoms for some time now. I thought I was suffering from Alzheimer's or brain damage from alcohol or something until one day I put myself into some kind of peak state where all of my symptoms disappeared. Literally it was like all my…
  • Thanks noemi and ingka. Im still excited by this work and implications despite my personal struggles, with it and a relish any opportunity to learn more about it. I hope this forum becomes a means of communicating with like indeed people. Information is best shared. Regards Robert
  • Hello there! I saw somewhere on the website that there is a WholeHeartedHealing workbook. What difference is there between the WHH manual and the workbook? Do you know when this book will be available? Thank you in advance.